

Q: I had a dream one or two days before Ramdhaan. In the dream, i was milking a cow and it was like 11 or 13 kilograms. I saw this dream in the dream. and i was telling my family that i saw myself milking a cow. Then when i woke up in the morning i realised that the dream of milking took place in the dream. Kindly tell the tabeer with elaboration.


Q: Dream interpretation

1. A friend had a dream where she was going to the shops with her brother, they didn't have the time and wanted to know so her brother asked me and when he told her that I asked this girl the girl told him that that's a girl from my jamia class. Now the brothers gone and with me is a little girl who is too small to be a sister and so I go up to this friend and show her 50pence and ask her will me and and this girl be able to eat at a restaurant with this she said no I asked if she had money she said no

2. I had a dream where me my parents and aunty enter a river or ocean and we keep having to go into it and the water is flowing very fast we many times had to jump into this circulating water and were okay each time

3. I had a dream whilst my husband and I are separate but not divorced We were in Pakistan and I went into this room where I was alone my husband came there too but I was escaping him and got out through and hidden door and got out and went and sat where everyone else was


Q: Dream 1:

My sister dreamt that I handed over to her beautiful baby twins asking her to take care of them while I am outside, she took the babies and kissed them on their heads..

Dream 2:

My sister dreamt that she and our mother are in a bazar buying new clothes, there she met my mother's cousin and my mother told her that they are making preparations for (my) birthday... Im a 22yr old girl studying in university and had been praying for a good and pious spouse... I need to know what does these dreams mean, my sister saw them at different nights whilst I was in the hostel. 


Q: I had a dream where I found out my brother in law had been possessed by a jinn.... the Hunn was not always with him but would come and go when the him would come he would look himself in a room not telling anyone ...i was there telling him to mention this matter to your dad so that u could be cured he replied saying my dad would not spend money on me to be cured


Q: Me and my husband are seperated. I keep trying to reconcile. I saw a dream where my husband divorces me what does it mean it has frightened me. But I know it will happen at some point because I keep trying but he doesn't listen..


Q: It was a few days back I prayed to Allah and asked for His guidance in my love life. Since then I have 3 different dreams, Can you please help me decode it and let me know what does it mean?

1. I married the girl I love.

2. I return from Makkah (Dont know if I had been to umrah or hajj)

3. Someone in my family is looking for rishta for me


Q: I dreamt that I am in a very luxurious mansion which was still under construction and I was showing my beautiful house to my mother and my sister (who accused me over something very wrong but I didn't react harshly) The house was very well furnished and it was in my thought that we (me and my family) have been shifted over there. I told my mother and sister that the huge portion I'm showing you people is not the complete house, there's another portion of the house of the same size which is under construction and that I don't understand why did the owner sell his such a beautiful house and shifted to a bungalow with only five rooms. My mother and my sister were so surprised to see my awesome house.

Note: When my mother and my sister accused me on a false issue and I reacted normally, the same day I saw this dream.


Q: I had a dream of a person I like he was praying with a lady in black abaya next to him.I was looking at them (i was behind looking at them) I didn't see they faces. It was a big land and had grass in the dream the atmosphere felt lovely and peaceful ,but I was feeling hurt seeing him with the lady next to him. I have been making dua to Allah that to bring him to me if his in my taqdeer as I really like him. His a cousin We know each other but we have know contact. And this dream was 2or3 hours after fajr. I'd like to know the meaning of my dream and guide me as to whether I can still make dua for who I like. Jazakallah.


Q: My sister had dream that I died. Then I appeared before my family again, and I was happy. I told them I was by Azza wa Jall and that my deceased mother was in Firdaus. Please will you give the interpretation of this dream.