

Q: I dreamed I was holding a tray of 30 eggs. They were all craked and I was holding one egg in my hand.


Q: I have seen dream at morning that my father and chacha was going to be dead or they were in a deaises that they are dead.so my father and chacha lay down in that box where dead people lay down .i and other pick my father box up and taking to graveyard and my chacha too.then we stop at point to do some work I said to my father please standup I helped him to pickup and he went . I was also depressed . So there was black water of smell I went down and I ask my brother to save me and then I was out of that


Q: A year ago, I had the option of doing something haraam. I was so uncertain because I cared about this person and close to Allah that I didnt know what to do, whether to do something haram, they believed it wasmt haram but my teachings told me it was, I was so confused. One night I had a dream. In the dream a woman spoke to me, she told me she knew I was confused on what to do but I had to do it, I remember proclaiming to her that its haram and she told me its allowed in Islam, she said there's a sect in Islam that isnt sunni or shia but they're allow it. I woke up confused. The dream always played on my mind. A few months later I had a dream again when I stopped doing the thing that was haraam, this time her wrists were cut and she was crying and screaming and saying what did I do.. I had it very often and it played on my mind. It made me really unhappy .. what do these dreams mean ?


Q: I was doing istikhara for marriage in my dream I saw my father gave money to my mother and told to go and buy fruits then me and my mother was going to buy then we saw some coconuts are there in Bazar but we didn't take them and then my father also came with us to search we were going on road then in the middle my uncle( my father's brother) came and said where are you going you have crossed that shop it was nearer . what could me the meaning of this. ( iam doing istikhara for the person who is near to our house ) is it positive or negative.


Q: Kindly please interpret my dream. I am studying comparative studies of different sects/groups of Muslims on my own. I am seeing weird dreams from the month of Ramadhaan till now but three days before I saw a dream which I don't remember completely but it was a war type scene and I had a wooden plank in my hand and I was striking other people with them who were against me (may be my foes) and keep on saying "Main Umar bin Khattab (R.A) banun ga". I just can't understand what is going on with me. Kindly tell me the interpretation if there is any.


Q: I am 26 years old and my mother is very much concerned about my marriage... 1 proposal came last Saturday and the boy seems to look very much religious  mashaAllah... we perform istikhara and my mother saw a dream that she is performing hajj and there are many people around her reciting something loudly but she cannot understand them properly... she asked some arabic man standing next to her that what are they saying... he touched his tongue and told her that they all are mute (the cannot speak)

Can you plz interpret this dream...


Q: In my dream I have dreamt that I was peeing red colored urine and also I saw one of my female cousins who is going to come to US for higher studies a married one).While I was in the dream peeing I peed in my bed for real . Can you please help me in understanding this .


Q: I saw a lion in my dream.... Its not first time... After every 3 4 month there is lion in my dream..... N he is trying to harm me but he cant.... Plz tell me whats the matter it is.....