
Embracing Islam

Q: I am a Hindu woman. I seek answer/ meaning to one of my dreams that I had few days back. Here is my dream :- "I was lying done in my bed, and the door of my room's balcony was wide open. When I opened my eyes, I turned my head towards the balcony. It was almost dawn, and I could see a mosque (in real there is no mosque visible from my balcony ). It's four minarets were sky touching and I could hear Adhan. It brought a smile on my face. Then, I get up and walked towards a huge window of my room ( I have no huge window in my room). Window was very wide, and had huge window pan, which was open. I rested my arms on window frame and looked down...there was a terrace just below the window. And there were sufi singers lost in praise of The Allah. I could see these words, " La illaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah", floating in air, passing by me. I was all smiling. Then I see, the terrace is part of a school where there are toddlers and young kids. I also saw my two twin boys as toddlers ( in real they are about to be six). All the toddlers and kids had register and pen in their hands . On their register it was written, " SETU School for Kids." There were teachers also to take care of all kids and to teach them. On that same premise, there was a rocking chair, where an old man was sitting. He was having certain confidence and calmness on his face. He wore a smile and was looking at me.

Maintaining moderation in friendship

Q: Me and my friend both were in a general store and my friend told me to buy some candies. I bought the candies, and they cost about 500. My mother, brother and sister came, they said that why are you spending so much money on your friend, don't spend so much money. I said I don't care. Then my friend disappeared, and then I with my family went out of the store to walk back home. It was dark, a few small dogs started to appear, they tried to attack us, but we somehow scared them away, then some large dogs began to appear who were about to follow us, but we reached home, and they just ignored us.


Q: I had a really scary dream and I would really like to know what it means. I had a dream that my cousin's Moulana at her Madrassah didn't work there anymore and I wanted to know why so I went to see him. When I went there he was wearing a white kurta and was upstairs. When I went upstairs he went to the kitchen to drink water so I followed him there. Then I asked why she doesn't work at the Madrassah he said that people think I'm crazy and they are not believing me and he was dead in the dream and he also told me that I must leave when I can so I just ran out of there but the gate was not opening but then it finally opened and when I came out of the house I saw two boys that died in front of my eyes. While I was on the way to meet the Moulana two boys was sitting in a car that was on the lane next to mines and their doors want closed properly and I was going to close it but my mother was in the car behind me so I was scared to do so then when they started driving the door opened and they fell of and died. So I saw them when I came out and they were playing. Then after that I don't know if this other dream was part of my first dream. My cousins and I were driving in the car then we found a snake and she was about to throw it out but then she threw it on me and I threw it outside and killed it with my shoes. Then the next night I also had a dream about death. I was taking out pictures and I went to a garage with my father and there was just a fire and my father and I nearly die. Can you please tell me what my dreams mean?

Dreaming of snakes

Q: I had a dream this morning after 9am or so where I saw quite a few small snakes. I recall my brother killing it and me separating its head from the body. Thereafter another one came and bit me twice. Could mufti perhaps interpret this dream for me?

Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: I have two options of girls to get married to. I did istkhara. First time I saw a lot of dogs around me and I felt the presence of first girl (first option) and I was fighting with the dogs. In other dream I saw that I was talking to the second girl and on the same night I saw another dream that a big white dog is chasing me! I did istikhara three times. What should I do now?

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: My wife saw this dream. We like to ask what it means. She saw her elder sister (a bit abnormal mentally) in a house where there are big man size see through glasses and big corridors, suddenly a dust storm came, my wife pulled her sister inside, then their mom came in, says you did a good job by pulling her inside, next scene, their mom brings two beautiful fat cats, despite my wife and her younger sister does'not like cats , then the mom threw cats on the bed.

Premarital relationship

Q: I just prayed salaah tul hajaat asking Allah for assistance in a difficult situation where a boy and I would like to get married but his parents don't approve because they promised him to his second cousin in London. I cried to Allah and spoke from my heart asking for a sign. I then fell asleep and dreamt of my mother's boss's daughter reciting Surah Faatiha to my aunty over the phone. Does this dream have any significance and what could it mean?

Avoiding those places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated

Q: I have a dream related query. Last month I dreamt that I had found my mother lying face up In a public pool (dead) and I was quite shocked as she was in her abaya and scarf but her niqab was off. This month before fajr I dreamt that my family was dropping me off at the airport and she had gotten out the car and my father did not realize it and started driving off and her scarf got tangled in the car wheel and began choking her but she managed to free herself and the car stopped moving. I rushed to her and she was fine just shocked and teary eyed. Again she was not wearing her niqab. Both these dreams have disturbed me. Also another dream unrelated to the above. For the past five years or so I have been having dreams about my teeth and gums. In the dream my teeth always seem to fall out and sometimes my gums bleed but in all the dreams I am always in excruciating pain. I get these dreams a couple of times a year.