
Consulting with one's elders

Q: On the morning of Eid before 3 am, I dreamt that my mother had passed away and not too long after that, I was getting married. I remember walking into the hall before the wedding and the hall was draped with gold and red. I also remember not too long before the wedding I was sitting at a table and my mums uncle who passed away exactly a year and a few days ago, was sitting at the same table and reading Quran. He was not reading aloud but I remember seeing the Quran. My husband to be was sitting at the same table opposite me. I had my head down and I was thinking about my mother and I started crying and I said out aloud that my mother is not going to be at my wedding. My husband to be, walked over to console me and also told me to keep quiet as my mums uncle was reading. My mother's uncle never picked up his head and I remember he was not happy and the reason for his unhappiness was because my mother was not happy about the man I was marrying. Please explain the meaning of my dream to me.


Q: I saw a dream that I was going through stairs to some one's house and some one was dead and suddenly one man was trying to put fire on some bushes. I wanted to scream but no voice was coming and then my husband woke me up and the time was about 4:10 a.m. I prayed all the wazaaifs before going to sleep. Please reply about the tabeer of it.

Dreaming of being pregnant

Q: My husband and I are trying to conceive. I was instructed to go onto a fertility tablet. But our decision is still to be made whether I want to work next year or insha-Allah get a baby. Lately I've been having dreams about being pregnant, I'm not sure if it is on my mind to become pregnant or if the dreams have significance. Last night I dreamt that I gave birth to a beautiful son, but I couldn't see his face as he was covering it with his hands and was asleep as I carried him. Please can you interpret and advise on my situation?

Dreaming of not finding money in the purse

Q: Me and my mother had a weird dreams on the same day. We both are very restless with the dreams. Kindly help us to analyze if it has a meaning or just boggling of mind. Since past four months me and my family have been going through hell due to my divorce. My Mother's Dream. She saw me or my brother asked her to give us money and when she went to look into her black purse she found only waste items like torn papers, garbage etc. She was shocked and started to clean it and in the end she found a lot of money but torn. What does it mean?

My Dream, I saw a human snake who was trying to kill me or marry me I don't exactly remember but either of the two that human snake wanted to do. What does this mean?

Avoiding those places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated

Q: I saw one dream on Muharram 10 1437. I saw one building construction. The building was erect but the land was dug open around the base of the building and the area was partly black. In a separate dream I saw few rocks. Within few seconds the rocks converted to greyish silver on its own like some covering is applied to these rocks. I thought they converted to grey sand but shining in silver grey. On next day I saw that I am standing somewhere and seeing a lake. Immediately the level of water rises. Water is like sea water clear and little bluish and seems like water level was many feet high. Then I forgot some part of the dream. Continuing in a separate dream I saw I am at the top roof of a building. Suddenly very high waves of clear water approached me and other people. This is like very high waves of sea water and I thought now we will die. I read Kalima Tayyiba with a loud voice and waves blew me and I fell down in the heavy sea water. But I was thinking I fell down thinking magnitude of very heavy water. This was like qiyaamat. Please give me interpretations of the above dreams.

Following the Sunnah in all facets of one's life

Q: I have seen a dream fews years back that there were crowded people and they were waiting to see Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and I was also in a crowd then there was a wall infront of me, then I moved closer to see the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and suddenly the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was going with the sahaaba I think and there was white shining clothes around them and when I saw the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallams's) face, it is still in my mind, it was a circle and the beared was short not very long.

Passing through customs in a dream

Q: My paternal grandmother passed away 14 years ago. Recently my mother dreamt that my grandmother was still alive and we had all gone for a holiday somewhere overseas. When we returned and were at customs, we couldn't find my grandmother. We then saw that she was already on the other side and had already passed through customs. Please interpret this dream.

Someone reciting Qur'an and placing their hand on one's head in a dream

Q: Please could you interpret the following dream. The time was about 01h30. I had seen a very pious person put his hand on my head and he was reciting Qur'an. This took place in our local musjid. He recited quite a bit silently. I only heard when he reached Surah falaq. When he finished he seemed happy and told me now you can go.