Those people upon whom Hajj is compulsory

Performing Hajj as soon as one has the means

Q: I have the health and wealth alhumdulillah to preform hajj. But I'm 16 and the Saudi government doesn't allow anyone aged 16 to come without a parent or mahram. And I don't have any family I can go with. And my parents don't allow me to go with a group. And my parents say they can't come with me they don't have the money. Also my parents say if you get severely ill due to the heat or flu or temperature who will take care of you, so my dad said to me wait one year and I'll earn money to go with you next year. What should I do, will I get sin in delaying my fard hajj? Should I wait one year?

Hajj not being compulsory if one has outstanding debts

Q: I have a question regarding the obligation of Hajj.

I am a convert to Islam.  I got married in 2013 and had a baby last year who is now 7 months old.  My husband and I would like further children insha Allah and as I am now 33 years old we would prefer to have another child as soon as possible. We are thinking about going for Hajj this year. My husband has already
performed Hajj in 2010 but I have not had the opportunity so far. I have a few concerns with regards our obligation to perform Hajj this year:

1. Our little baby will only just have turned one when we travel and as I am breastfeeding I would have to stop in order to perform Hajj.  I am worried about leaving him (he would stay with my husbands parents) but also realise that if we do not go this year, we may find it even more difficult in future years if Allah gives us more children.

2. If I do become pregnant prior to Hajj, is it permissible to postpone Hajj due to pregnancy and fear of causing harm to the unborn child.

3. I still have some outstanding student loan that I took out when I was at university before I accepted Islam. The repayments are linked to my income and taken out of my salary each month.  I believe that I still have a few thousand pounds outstanding and the loan does have a small amount of interest attached to it (linked to inflation). Hajj will be jointly funded by myself and my husband. I do not think that it will be possible to pay off the student loan and still have the funds available to go for Hajj. Would it be permissible to travel for Hajj with any of this loan outstanding?

Apprehending legal implications through going for Hajj

Q: I am in Saudia. I want to perform Hajj this year. In Saudia one way of performing Hajj is to get a sort of permission letter (pass) from the Saudi govenment and the other way is to go directly and bypass the check post of Makkah to avoid checking of Hajj Pass. Mostly people in Saudia adopt the second way. I wanted to go by getting a Hajj pass but this year the Saudi government has issued very limited passes so I am not able to access that official pass. Is the second way off performing hajj permissible in Shari'ah or not? Because in that case we have to violate the Saudi law.

Performing Hajj with someone else's money


  1. I am adopted. Can I do hajj from my mother's money if its halaal? Will I be rewarded it's blessing and status, will my sins be wiped out? If I do it for the sake and will of Allah,  will the obligation of fard be full filled?
  2. What if the money is interest based from a bank, will the fard obligation, rewards, blessings will be given fullfilled to the person doing hajj?
  3. What if the money is of my worldly mother's brother's money (Halaal earned), can we do hajj from the money or my mother has to ask permission from her brother first?
  4. Since I am adopted, my mother doing hajj alongside me, will her fard obligation be fullfilled? Will her blessings be given to her, wiping all the sins done in the past? Will it affect my hajj status and blessing?

Hajj with Haraam money

Q: Is a hajj that is performed by someone who's money is 100% haraam from selling drugs accepted, the person is a drug dealer. When the person is on Arafat is all his sins also forgiven when returning as a Hajji. Please give a detial explanation & what is the punishment.

Postponing Hajj due to Taking Care of one's Child

Q: My wife wants to perform Hajj with me leaving my son behind by some friends. She is still feeding the child. I am worried and do not want to leave the child behind as he is very sensitive and afraid of foriegn people. He wakes up at night and wants his mother all the time. I am trying to convience my wife to leave the hajj this year. Am I commiting a sin ? Am I obliged to take her with me for hajj?