Those people upon whom Hajj is compulsory

Going for umrah before performing Hajj

Q: If I really save my money I can probably go for hajj within 5 years in shaa Allah, but what if I can't wait that long as I'm really longing to go to Makkah. Can I just go for umrah? I went there a month ago and I am still craving to go there and I can't wait for 5 years to go there? I intend going within the next year or next 2 years, but my parents say that it is a waste to go for another umrah, it is better to go for hajj, but 5 years, my heart cannot wait that long.

Hajj for a woman without a mahram


1. In India, most of the ladies have a lot of gold with them, will it be fardh on them to do Hajj if their husbands or other mehrams don't have that much of money to go for hajj. In this case what needs to be done by a woman and her mehram?

2. Many people in India invest money in buying lands and buildings apart from living. So what is the ruling for them regarding Hajj. Since the land comes under exceptional category, what is the ruling make hajj obligatory on them?

Hastening to perform hajj

Q: I am a 31 year old married woman. I want to perform hajj. My husband is not capable at present. I am asking him to arrange money for his hajj expenses only, and I am planning to sell my gold for my hajj expenses. Is it right to rush for the hajj even if we are not capable or should we wait for the time when we have enough. Please advise. 

Making the intention of nafl hajj

Q: Last year I had gone for hajj with my family (mother and wife). Before leaving for hajj (during it's preparation) I had made my wife owner of the amount which was to be spent on her for hajj (Rs.2.5 lakh). During the journey I instructed her to make niyat for Fardh Hajj as she was made owner of money. But by mistake she made niyat for Nafl Hajj and completed the Hajj journey. I would like to ask whether the Hajj she did would be counted as Fardh or Nafl. If Nafl, does she have to do Fardh Hajj now again. At present neither me nor she has any money. She has only her jewellery. If ruling is for Fardh Hajj and either me or she dies before doing it, then what happens. I would like to make it clear it was 1st Hajj for myself and wife.

Paying off debts before going for Hajj

Q: I have a car loan with 0% interest and 20% paid as down payment. The rest 80% value of the car shall be paid within two years as installment. Otherwise the car will be taken by the Bank. So I need to know whether I can go for Hajj this year without closing this loan by handing over the responsibility to my brother and leaving the car with him to return to the bank in case I am not able to repay due to death.