Durood in Rajab
Q: Can we read durood of kunda in Rajab.
Q: Can we read durood of kunda in Rajab.
Q: Is there more than one version of Tasbeeh Faatimi? Are all variations accepted as such or is the 33/33/34 the one which is the only one?
Q: I am the eldest child of my family (a male), and have 4 younger sisters Alhamdulilah. I am also Alhamdulilah married and have 2 children (1 boy and 1 girl). However, when I was younger I always wanted to have brothers but never did.
Is it permissible to pray to Allah Ta'ala for Him to bless me with more son’s or only sons if I have future children inshaAllah? Before my daughter was born, I made a lot of dua to Allah Ta'ala to bless me with another son but I was still very happy Alhamdulilah to be blessed with a daughter. But I would really want my other children to be sons InshaAllah. Please advise what I should do?
Q: Can we recite dua Yunus for someone else's coming out of danger or recovering for illness? Example - There is an initiation of an Islamic foundation that they want to complete dua Yunus a particular number of times. So they are forwarding the message through people and everyone is reciting at least once and this is for the people of Syria. Is it a correct way?
Q: Can I read this tasbih all time after fardh namaz:
1. Istighfaar 100 times
2. La ila ha illalah 100 times
3. La ilaha ila anta subhanaka ini kuntu minaz zalim 100 times
4. Subhanalah wa bi hamdi 100 times
5. Hasbi rabi Allah 100 times
Even in my qiyamul layl I read all these tasbeeh and I have a habit to finish my tasbih in my qiyamul layl 100 times first kalima, 100 times 3rd kalima and 100 times istighfar, is it ok?
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد ما اختلف الملوان وتعاقب العصران وكر الجديدان واستقبل الفرقدان وبلغ روحه وارواح اهل بيته منا التحية والسلام
Whoever recites this durud thrice, will receive the reward of reciting salutations 30 000 times. Can one make such statements? Mawlana mentioned in accordance to tajrabah of a dream. He didnt say it was a hadeeth. Also, can one have such aqeedah that by doing such, it will happen.
Q: I want to ask a question about aayat-e-karima. Is it necessary to recite it 125 000 times for aayat-e-karima khatam or we can recite it as much as we can. What is the authenticity of the count?
Q: Is it wrong to ask Allah for materialistic things such as a comfortable home for my kids and family or a car for myself?
Q: Alhamdulillah I use a counter to make zikr. Generally I meet alot of people of different races, cultures, etc. All of them ask the same question. "What's the counter for?" Could you please advise me what to tell them. Something that'll be simple but InshaAllah a means of hidayaat for them. Something that'll attract them to Islam and create that love for Allah Ta'ala.
Q: Can I make this zikr 100 time after my qiyamul layl "hasbi rabbi jallallah maa fee qalbi gayrullah nur e Muhammad sallallah, la illa ha illallah"?