Zikr & Dua

Reciting Aayat-e-karima 125000 times

Q: I have started reciting Aayat-e-karima. Insha-Allah the intention is to complete 125000 times. I have two questions. 1) Since I have started the tazbeeh, can I continue in menses? 2) Can someone else also help me finish and complete the the tazbih. I have done most of the recitation but my cousin is helping me to complete only a few tazbeehs (8300) is that ok? Now only last 5000 are left.


Q: My question is about Durood-e-ebraheem. The Quran states in Surah Ahzab (33) Verse 56 صلّوا عليه وسلِّموا, but Durood-e-ebraheem only contains the صلّوا part and not the سلِّموا part. Instead it says اللهم بارك. Can you shed some light on this matter?

Dua of Ka'b Ahbaar

Q: There was one sahabi who was a jew before, most probably Abdullah ibn Salaam or Kaab Ahbar (ra), who said if I did not read this particular dua, the jews would turn me into a donkey. Which dua is it?

Reciting duas with tajweed

Q: I have a question regarding duas and supplications from the Sunnah. In the Quran, there are signs of stopping or continuing on a certain verse and the reader has a choice of either pausing or continuing reading. My question is does this also apply for the duas which we read. For example like the dua after leaving the toilet is ghufranaka, can it also be said as ghufranak? Meaning do duas also have signs of pausing/continuing? For example the third kalima is Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi, wa laa ilaha illallahu Wallahu Akbar wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billahil aliyyil Azeem. When you recite can you continue by saying Wallahu akbaru instead of stopping and saying Akbar? And can you also say it as Subhanallah instead of Subhanallahi, and walhamdulillah instead of walhamdulillahi, without the i at the end? And can this be done with other duas also?