Zikr & Dua

Looking for a job

Q: I was working in one of world's best company for the last two years. Due to some dispute with the manager I resigned in the month of April. Since then I am looking for a job but I cannot succeed. I have been offering namaz and have been fasting throughout this month of Ramzan but still nothing is working out for me. I have completed few wazifas as well but it didn't help me either. Can you please suggest for me what should I do. I am desperately looking for a job and all my savings are about to expire.

Recipe for a successful business

Q: We are three brothers together running a Manpower Placement firm. However our business is going down every day. Borrowing from relatives increases every year. Moreover, we dont know why but most of the wall clocks in our house keeps on going slow every day. We put in new batteries, then too the clocks keep on going slow.
Secondly our office is located on a T-point. Some say its a bad business location.