Reciting more than the specific number of zikr
Q: Is it permissible to recite more than the allowed number of zikr? Example, if I recite 35 SubhaanAllah instead of 33 by mistake or any other such reason. Is it permissible or am I sinful for this?
Q: Is it permissible to recite more than the allowed number of zikr? Example, if I recite 35 SubhaanAllah instead of 33 by mistake or any other such reason. Is it permissible or am I sinful for this?
Q: What are the duas that should be read when:
(a) Getting up from sleep.
(b) Entering the toilet and coming out from the toilet.
And should the duas be read audibly to one self or simply read silently in the mind?
Q: Can you please provide guidance on the benefits of reciting ayat-ul-kursi? I have been told:
1. Recite ayat-ul-kursi before going to bed.
2. Recite ayat-ul-kursi after making wudhu.
3. Recite ayat-ul-kursi after reciting your fardh salaat.
Please provide insight into the benefits of reciting ayat-ul-kursi for the above 3 occasions and also if there are any other occasions when you should recite ayat-ul-kursi.
Q: I use a digital device to do my daily zikr. Is it allowed to do zikr on these devices?
If so, is it permitted to sell these digital zikr devices for profit?
Q: How do I send salutations to Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) during salat?
Q: Are we allowed to make English duas in Qunoot, after we recite Dua Qunoot?
Q: Can duaas be recited with tajweed?
Q: Can I make zikr of istighfaar or durood shareef while testing hifz students their dhor?
Q: What is the correct pronunciation of durood? Is it sallallaho alaihi wasallam or salallahu alaihi wasallam? Is it o or u?
Q: A person is climbing/descending.
1. Does he have to recite Allahu akbar/Subhanallah the entire time that he is climbing/descending, or only thrice?
2. He is climbing/descending when the adhaan starts. Should he answer the adhaan or recite Allahu akbar/Subhanallah?