Repeating the shahaadah and making sincere taubah after committing an act of kufr

Q: If a Muslim commits an act of kufr like mocking Allah Ta'ala, will saying the shahada be enough for him to become a Muslim again or is repentance mandatory. If he just says the shahada, will he become a Muslim even if he doesn't repent?

A: He will need to repeat the shahaadah and make sincere taubah for the wrong that he had said. Similarly, he should make it known to all the people in whose presence he had uttered the wrong statement that he has made taubah for the wrong statement and has corrected himself. 

However, if he does not make it publicly known, but continues life, and during his life, he says the shahaadah and shows honour, respect and love to Allah Ta'ala and Islam and everything related to Islam, he will become a Muslim again. 

If he was married at the time when he made the first utterance, then his nikaah had broken and he will need to repeat his nikaah. Similarly, if he performed his fardh hajj before he made the utterance, he will have to repeat his hajj if he has the means for hajj to be fardh upon him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
