
Is the following statement sinful?

Q: My wife is pregnant Alhmadulillah. It's still the beginning of her pregnancy, but I try to buy the baby's things bit by bit to get good offers instead of buying everything last minute. My father told me not to buy so much yet and I answered something like "But at last minute one doesn't have all the money at one time". I know Rizq is from Allah and he could give me as much as he wants any time. What I meant is that I am planning on the grounds of what I have now (monthly). Is that statement and this approach sinful or even kufr? I regret saying it like that.

What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person

Q: Kindly provide a response on the following: In today's times, with more and more people watching hindi movies, their ways are being practiced by Muslims. What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person, like how the hindus do it - going down on their knees, with head bowed over (almost touching the ground) and touching the feet of the person? Does the Muslim person become a Mushrik? If yes, then does the nikah of that person break? How should such a person make towbah?

Waswasas of Kufr

Q: I suffer from a lot of waswas about kufr. So sometimes I utter the Shahada to calm my mind. Does this affect my Nikah? If I hadn't actually comitted kufr but uttered the Shahada out of fear I had comitted kufr, would I consequently have to renew my Nikah as well? Sorry if you find the question strange, but these kind of things are in my head.