Published 12 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: If money collectors comes to some ones door and they are collecting for the building of new mosque, but they are people with wrong aqidah. If one gives them some money without the intention of supporting their ideas, is this kufr?
A: No, this action will not amount to Kufr. However if their Aqaaid are corrupt, then one should not support such people.
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
وحاصله أن المحكوم بكفره من أداه هواه وبدعته إلى مخالفة دليل قطعي لا يسوغ فيه تأويلا أصلا كرد آية قرآنية أو تكذيب نبي أو إنكار أحد أركان الإسلام ونحو ذلك (تكملة رد المحتار 7/162)
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