
Last Ayah of Sura Naba

Q: I have a question regarding the last Ayat of Sura Naba which states that when the Kafir sees the Azaab on the day of Qiyamah he will say that it would be better for me if I would be clay rather than this. Will the Azaab be given to the Rooh or in an any other form besides insaan (clay) on the day of Qiyamah?

Insha Allah

Q: In surah Kahf vesre 23 it is mentioned that never say surely I will do and in next verse Allah subhanhutala said illa aiyyasha Allah. So what is the exact pronounciation Insha Allah or aiyyasha Allah?

How did the Malaaikah know that the children of Aadam (Alayhis Salaam) will cause mischief on the earth?

Q: My question is that as per reference of Surah Bakra when Allah Ta'ala created Hazrat Adam (Alayhis Salaam) then the Angels said "this man will create fights on earth"(mafhoom). So how did they know that because before Hazrat Adam (Alayhis Salaam) they never saw any human being?


Q: What does the verse of the Quran at 4:85 mean? One explanation I read says that if we vote for a candidate in election and he indulges in anti Islamic activities then we are also responsible before Allah.

The meaing of Istiwa' in the Qur'an

Q: Please can you explain the 19 meanings of istawah in the Quran according to the muffasirun like abu jafar at tabari, ibn kathir and other great mufassirs, with qoutations will be apprecied. 

[Al-Baqara : 2 : 29, Al-A'râf : 7 : 54, Yûnus : 10 : 3, Hud  11 : 44, Al-Ra'd : 13 : 2, Tâ. Hâ : 20 : 5, Al-Mu'minûn : 23 : 28, Al-Furqân: 25 : 59, Al-Qasas : 28 : 14, Al-Sajda : 32 : 4, Fussilat  41 : 11, Al-Zukhruf : 43 : 13, Al-Fath : 48 : 29,Al-Najm : 53 : 6,Al-Hadîd : 57 : 4 ]

Taking one's naffs as one's ilaah

Q: My question is about an ayat in a quran that says, "those who take there nuffs as there illah". What does this ayat mean? 

Can it be possible that  a person goes to his wife, and be worshipping his nuffs even though he goes to his wife and has intercourse in a  way allowed in shariah. What if he is behaving like an animal or acts upon his animal qualities. Is this allowed in sharia? I am not married yet but I am afraid to get married because of tasswuf and wazifahs and the effects they have upon me.