Taubah and Repentance

Repenting for drinking beer

Q: I drank 2 small sips of beer that contains 6 or 8 % of alcohol but I didn’t feel any type of difference in my body. Everything was normal and no intoxication and nothing different in my behaviour.

My question is, can I go for payers to the mosque or I’m not allowed to enter the mosque for 40 days?

Will a person's repentance be accepted if he stops talking to another Muslim?

Q: If a person is not talking to another Muslim then their repentence is not accepted. If this is true and a Muslim isn't speaking to another because he insulted him or a loved one and hence isn't talking, and repents to Allah for his past sins, his repentence and sins won't be forgiven by Allah because he isn't speaking to a Muslim?

If that is the case then how can one get their sins forgiven. Everyone has atleast someone they don't speak to because of something they said or did.

What if the Muslim he isn't talking to lives far away and he repents to Allah for  sins, will his repentence not be valid?

Is it true that Allah won't accept someone's repentence because they aren't speaking to another Muslim?