Beards and Moustache

Lengthening the beard and trimming the moustache

Q: In the Hadith a command is given to lengthen the beard and trim the moustache. I know that it is waajib to lengthen the beard, but what about the moustache? Is shortening the moustache also waajib? If not, then people argue and say that if you say that lengthening the beard is waajib, then trimming the moustache should also be waajib because they in the same Hadith.

Trimming the beard less than a fist length

Q: Growing a beard is fard and it is sinful to shave it. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) commanded us to grow them. If the hadith of the beard was to be looked at technically, the wording in the hadeeth is to be understood to let the beard grow. As in just leave it completely. But we have narrations of sahaba trimming their beards a fist length. So scholars have concluded this is the exception to the case and have set a minimal length of the beard to be a fistful. Who ever trims it so its smaller than a fist length is a sinner. Is this correct? I do see many people of knowledge who trim it so its less than a fist length. Please elaborate.

Keeping the beard at one fist length


1. How long was the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) beard?

2. Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) trim his beard if it was longer than a fist?

3. What is the Shariah ruling of keeping a beard longer than a fist?

4. Is the following information about the length of the beard correct? Please provide reference.

THE BEARD: Abū Zur'ah (one of Salaf) said: “Abū Hurayrah used to take a hand hold from his beard then cut what was more than a fistful.” [مصنف ٨\٣٥٦]

Imām Abū Ḥaneefah رحمه الله: “It is said; 'Whoever has a long beard (more than fistful), he has no intellect'.” [الثقات لابن حبان ٩\١٦٢]

Imām ash-Shāfi'ī رحمه الله: “When the beard is lengthened (more than a fist-length), the intellect is shortened.” [الوافي بالوفيات ٢\١٢٣]

al-Qāḍī 'Iyyaḍ رحمه الله: “As for taking from (a beard longer than a fistful), its length and its width, it is good.” [إكمال المعلم ٢\٣٦]

Shaykh al-Albānī: “It (trimming hair from beard that exceeds fist-length) is reported from Companions & no one opposed them.” [الهدى والنور]

Questions relating to the beard and moustache


1. Is the extended part or the corners of the moustache (Sibalatayn i.e. the two sides which go on to join with the beard) is considered to be part of the moustache or the beard?

2. The witness of a person about the moon-sighting who do not keep a Shar’ee beard.

3. Is the keeping of Shar’ee beard Sunnah Mu-akkadah or Wajib?

4. Till what size the moustache should be trimmed to conform to the Sunnah?

5. Is it better to trim or to shave the moustache?