Beards and Moustache

Growing the beard to the extent of one fist

Q: The ahadith on beard have been reported with different formulations: The word "Arkhoo" is mentioned in Saheeh Muslim. The words "Waffiroo, Awfiroo, Awfoo, A'foo" are mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim. Imam Nawawi (r) commenting in his Sharh Saheeh Muslim on the different terms used by the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), arrives at the following conclusion: "The meaning of which appears all these ahadith is that a person should grow his beard. "

Beard which is becoming bald

Q: I have a full grown beard and the problem is it's balding in patches and it's falling a lot. What should I do or can I remove it an take some treatment an see how it grows again? It was such a jihaad to keep it and it was looking so marshaallah an now this is what's happening. Its looking bad with patches all over.