
Mu'allaq Talaaq

س: ایک آدمی کسی مصلحت کی وجہ سے بیوی کو اپنے بہنوئی کے گھر جا نے سے روکنا چاہتا ہے اور یہ ارادہ ہے کہ بیوی کو طلاق باشرط رجعی دے گا اب جب وہ گھر آئی تو میاں نے غصے مین اپنے بات کا اظہار اس طرح کیا: "کہ میں نے آپکی بہن کی آواز فون پہ سنا ہے اسلیئے اگر تم اس کے گھر گئی تو میری بیوی نہیں تم پر طلاق ہوگی" کچھ وقفہ کے بعد شوھر نےکہا وضاحت کیلیے : کہ چونکہ آواز سے پتہ نہیں لگتا کہ کونسی بہن ہے اسلیئے اب وہ مجہول ہے اسلیئے اب تم دونوں بہنوں کے گھر نہیں جا سکتی"

1: کیا اس پر طلاق باشرط رجعی واقعہ ہوگی یا باین ، یا ایک رجعی اور دوم باین؟

2: شوھر کو دو بہنوں پر شک ہے اب متعین نہیں کہ کونسی بہن ہے اگر کسی وجہ سے متعین ہو جائے تو صرف اس کے گھر کے ساتھ معلق ہوگی یا جو شوھر نے وضاحت کیلیے جو بات کہی "کچھ وقفہ کے بعد شوھر نےکہا وضاحت کیلیے : کہ چونکہ آواز سے پتہ نہیں لگتا کہ کونسی بہن ہے اسلیئے اب وہ مجہول ہے اسلیئے اب تم دونوں بہنوں کے گھر نہیں جا سکتی" تواس جملے پر اب وہ دونوں بہنوں کے گھر نہیں جاسکتی ؟ برائے مہربانی شریعت کے مطابق رہنمائی فرمائیں

Written Talaaq

Q: My cousin had some issues with his wife and his wife left him and moved to her parents. We all tried to settle the difference with them but she kept on asking for divorce. He went to court and sent her divorce papers... giving her divorce in it 3 times. Then every month the court sent her the notice for the divorce. Will the divorce be valid this way if there is no settlement between them even after 3 months?

Revoking a talaaq without the wife's consent

Q: Two weeks ago a Shariah court issued a talaq raji. We continued to live in the same house and bed. Last night my husband forced me to have intercourse with him despite my objections and plea not to. He is physically stronger than me so I could not stop him. I am currently under iddah. Are we still divorced or does the sexual act automatically reinstate our marriage even though I didn't agree to it?

Separating from one's husband who is involved in zina

Q: If a husband is continuously involved in zina and is not even guilty of it, does the wife have the right to get separated? If yes, can she file a divorce instead of khula? Is such a right given to her in her nikaah agreement? What are the regulations in relation to khula and divorce? Can she give divorce? Does she have the right in her nikaah documentation according to sunnah? He will try to humiliate her to protect his image and even kill her if he comes to know that she knows he is a zaani. He will make it as painful for her as possible because thats the kind of person he is.

Suspended talaaq

Q: Due to a conflict between my in-laws and me, I left my wife at her parents home with the condition to solve this prolonged issue within 10 (ten) days. I said to her to tell her parents that if this issue is not sorted out by her parents withen 10 days then you (she) must stay at your (her) parents home. I will not be responsible for you and your future. After this period all efforts from your parents side will be useless. They did not contact me at that time, and now they approached me after three months. Can we continue our marital life now or is the separation done?

Claiming more than the mahr amount in khula'

Q: My wife is seeking khula/divorce on the ground of alleged "irrevocable differences". I agree (reluctantly) provided she reimburses my mahr as well as other items of wedding and walima dresses and suites and other items of jewelleries. I have been waiting for the past six months but her (parents) have been non cooperative and belligerent in a sense, NO RESPONSE at all.

Initially they went to Islamic Sharia Council in London, UK and petitioned for divorce which I contested on the grounds that the cause of marriage was her (fraud on the grounds of illicit friendship outside our marriage) entirely her own fault. After a couple of months they decided to withdraw her petition from Islamic Sharia Council. She has now enlisted the help from Birmingham Central Mosque citing the same false accusations and demanding divorce. I will strongly contest on the same grounds. I will give her khula on condition that meets my certain conditions like the return of my mahr, my jewelleries and expensive items of clothing’s. From Islamic Sharia prospective am I right in my demand of my goods?

In a nutshell she wants a divorce from me because I CAUGHT HER RED HANDED with a "family friend" (not even a family friend but just a friend. She is not prepared to break up their friendhip for the sake of our marriage). Please advise me on where I stand.