Clothing for Women

Woman wearing fancy dresses

Q: Can we wear fancy clothes according to Islam? Fancy clothes as in long maxy dresses which are loose, the sleeves are full and the legs are not visible. My father says that it’s not allowed in Islam and causes gunah just because it’s a bit fancy. No body part is visible except for the face, yet he calls all my dresses inappropriate. Can we not wear fancy clothes on weddings? 

Woman wearing a saree


1. Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to wear a saree in a Muslim country provided that she covers all the parts of her body properly.

2. If her husband wants her to wear a saree and he gets upset if she doesn't do so, will it be permisssible for her to wear it?

3. What is the shar'ee ruling regarding wearing a saree which completely covers each part of the body?

Females wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram

Q: I recently received the following message: Ihyaaud-Deen WhatsApp Broadcasts *Wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram*

Q: In South Africa, should one avoid wearing black clothing during Muharram as the Shias wear black clothing?

A: Yes, if wearing black clothing has some resemblance with the Shias then this should be avoided.

My question is, I wear niqaab, majority of my clothing is black, because I simply love wearing black. Whenever I go out of my house, I have gloves that are black, a jilbaab that is black as well as a niqaab that is black. Even in my house I wear black most of the time. Can I wear black clothing without the intention of following the shi'ahs?