Haraam Food & Drinks

Muslim handling haraam food

Q: A neighbour of mine got a Muslim friend a job in the catering department of her workplace. His job involves ordering food for the canteen. He refuses to deal with pictures or images of non Halaal food but doesn't mind handling it. Is it forbidden to look at non Halaal food?

Accepting sweets and chocolates from non-Muslims on their religious occasions

Q: We have a few Hindus working in our office who often bring sweets, chocolates or biscuits from the supermarket and distribute them among the office colleagues. Sometimes, they say that they have a particular religious occasion, and it is due to this occasion that they distribute these sweets, chocolates, etc. to the office colleagues.

Is it permissible for a Muslim to eat from these sweets, chocolates, biscuits, etc.?

Gelatine derived from non-halaal sources

Q: What is the Shariah ruling regarding gelatine? Most of the halaal certifying bodies here are of the opinion that gelatine derived from non-halaal sources is halaal. They aver that the gelatine derived from non-halaal sources undergoes a "metamorphisis" and therefore is halaal. But the matter is indestructible and surely their contentions cannot be correct? However, it eludes logical comprehension that apparently our Ulama has yet to challenge the halaal certifying bodies concerned in regard to the issue and the halaal certifying bodies remain unchallenged. But what is your take on the matter?