
Why are men favoured with more rewards in paradise?

Q: I am really interest in Islam and there is so much peace in it but there are few things confusing me.

Why are men favoured with rewads? For example, I am reading on Islamic websites that Allah Ta'ala favours men over women in paradise because he grants them a reward that is not granted to women which is having many beautiful spouses, but women only have one spouse and there is one exlusive reward for men but no exclusive rewards to women. From this my understanding it that all rewards granted to women are granted to men, but not all rewards granted to men are given to women, or at least they are not rewarded as much as men for their worship.

So for example, if a man and a woman both have 10 000 deeds, lets say each gets the same number and quality of palace, garden, rivers, so in all of that they are equal, but the man will be given many wives (for example 10) and the women is given only one husband, so even though both have the same level of piety, the man is given more rewards than the woman by 9. Does the woman get compensated with more of another form of reward? Otherwise, how can it be justice that even though both have the same number of good deeds the man gets more? But

When it comes to punishment, then it seems that women get punished more. For example, in marriage, I always see husband abuse being a major sin and warned about, but I do not see anyone saying that wife abuse is a major sin, nor it has been warned about and associated with punishment.

Enjoying the pleasures of Jannah forever

Q: If Jannah has everything that we all desire, then we as humans may fulfil our desires and still not be satisfied. For example, having a sports car in this world will be nice but that excitement wears off. If Jannah has everything we desire, and we obtain it in Jannah, then what would be the excitement or greatness of such a place?

In other words, the good is only appreciated if there is also something bad or disappointing to compare it to. If there is only good, then what would we compare it to? 

Is enjoying peace in the grave a sign of entering Jannah?


1. According to hadiths, the believer who is able to answer the three questions from the angels sent to the grave for questioning will be given a garden from paradise and will have a pleasant experience inside the grave. Based on this alone, would the person experiencing this still have anxiety on the day of judgement?

2. Would this blessing of the grave already give them an indication as to how their fate will be decided? Does being blessed in the grave and the lack of punishment mean that the fate has already been decided by Allah Ta'ala?