Etiquettes of Dua

Not feeling the connection when making dua at the time of tahajjud

Q: Tonight I got up to pray tahajjud and when I started praying it felt like a tahajjud prayer though when I went into Sajda, I didn't feel the connection I thought I would, like I went to Allah in taha while crying and when I started praying all my tears were gone, I wasn't able to cry in my sujood. Does this mean I didn't pray it right?

As I checked that I did my wudu right and covered up my self right though still I feel something was missing.

Adding to that, I'm one day away from my periods and I also thought that the crying part was just from my mood swings which are a symptom of our period coming, because when I stood on the prayer mat all the tears went away.

Moreover, I had weird thoughts during the prayer like I wasn't praying right and had alot of skulls appearing in my thoughts (jinn like thoughts). Please share if there is a problem in this or am I just overthinking?

Taubah for making inappropriate duas

Q: I was in hardship and in a desperate situation. I wanted my dua to get accepted so I asked God not to give me anything nor would I ask for anything in Jannah if God accept my dua. I think my dua got accepted but I feel a little regret. This is because I feel I'll lose out in the hereafter.

Can I do anything to reverse this? My life in dunya hasn't gone to plan and I don't want my akhirah to fail also.

Talking to Allah Ta'ala


1. Is it a sin and a spiritual disease to talk to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) all the time verbally or in heart? Does it count as talking too much? And can one talk to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) about things that are not related to Deen, like when someone see a bird or an animal or something permissible to see, they say to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa), "What a beautiful bird You have made."

2. How casually can one speak to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa)? I have had very little friends and I don't talk a lot with my parents nowadays. But, I speak casually to Allah (SubhaanHu Wa Ta'alaa) like He is a friend. I don't speak with disregard for His station, that is He is our Master. I also see Him like a child sees a parent, like a caretaker. Is it permissible to speak casually? I'll feel depressed if I can't.