Talking to Allah Ta'ala


1. Is it a sin and a spiritual disease to talk to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) all the time verbally or in heart? Does it count as talking too much? And can one talk to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) about things that are not related to Deen, like when someone see a bird or an animal or something permissible to see, they say to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa), "What a beautiful bird You have made."

2. How casually can one speak to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa)? I have had very little friends and I don't talk a lot with my parents nowadays. But, I speak casually to Allah (SubhaanHu Wa Ta'alaa) like He is a friend. I don't speak with disregard for His station, that is He is our Master. I also see Him like a child sees a parent, like a caretaker. Is it permissible to speak casually? I'll feel depressed if I can't.


1. If the talking is about dua or as a token of appreciation for the favours of Allah Ta`ala or crying with remorse to Allah Ta`ala for one's weaknesses and shortcomings then this is great.

2. To speak with love is permissible provided it is with respect and for the reasons mentioned.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)