Baby toys with bells
Q: Is it permissible for babies to play with toys that have bells?
Q: Is it permissible for babies to play with toys that have bells?
Q: I would like to know if a boy doesn't get baaligh before the age of 15. Will he be baaligh from the age of 14 years and 6 months?
Q: Is it allowed in Islam for a one year old baby girl to do dress modelling?
Q: Why do babies smile when there are asleep. Please let me know?
Q: I have two questions.
1. What are the signs of buloogh (puberty) in a boy?
2. I know a 14 year old boy who masturbated and a thick white fluid came out, would he be counted as baaligh?
Q: Is it permissible for a father to bash his six year old daughter?
Q: What's an easy way of explaining the times of salaah to a class of about 10-13 year olds?
Q: Is it permissible to whistle and clap when playing with babies etc?
Q: I wanted to know, what is the correct Sunnah way to address your Mum and Dad? What did Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's) blessed children address him and Sayyidina Khadijah (Radiyallahu Anha) by? Was it Abba and Amma? Or Abu and Ummi? Or any other titles?
Q: Is it permissible to give babies toys e.g. soccer ball with small bells inside that jingle when moved around?