Family ties

Ill treatment from one's sister

Q: I am a lecturer. My sister couldn't qualify her studies. Her issue is anger. This makes her life difficult. She is unmarried and 37 years old. She considers me to be responsible for her studies and marriage. She didn't allow me to get married. She broke things and hit me and abuses me. My mother is old and she cries when this happens. What should I do?

Trying to join family ties

Q: I have a severe problem. Me and my brother have not been talking to each other for many years. But since I got to know that it is such a great sin, I want to turn back. I have asked forgiveness from him several times. I even tried starting the conversation but he never talks to me and he will never talk. I am stuck. What should I do? He is really determined not to talk to me. How can I seek Allah 's forgiveness?

Joining family ties

Q: As we know that Islam has strict teachings on breaking relationships with near relatives such as uncles etc. but if we make a mistake then we realize and make apologize to them by fear of Allah. What if they are not ready to patch up the relationship, will we still be sinful?