Celebrations and Customs

Attending a birthday party

Q: My wife informs me of an invite to a surprise birthday party - her sister is turning sixty tomorrow.

Would it be correct to attend, or allow family to? The sister is visited at least every fortnight, and the intention of paying a family visit could be used: what is the Shari stance?

Asian custom of bride's sisters taking money from the groom on their wedding day

Q: I have a question regarding a tradition called "dood pilai" in Asian households.

During weddings, there is a tradition in which the brides sisters take money from the groom and in return give him a glass of milk. It's usually pre planned with the groom so he comes prepared. This event involves free mixing during the wedding and also pardah is not observed properly.

My question is, is the money which the bride's sisters took from the groom haram in these circumstances? Is it haram to use or keep it as a gift?

Does not observing modesty during this event make the money haram to keep or spend? If the groom earned it through halal means but it was transferred to me through free mixing, does it make the money haram to spend?

Purchasing items during festive season sales

Q: During the November and December seasons, stores and businesses across the country have X mas, Black Friday and festive season sales.

Is it ok to purchase an item on sale during these times, not because of the festive seasons, etc. but simply because, example a sandal is 50 percent off if purchased between Nov -Dec.

Also, if a person takes a car for a service, and the company offers an extra car service at a discounted price during this time, would it be ok to get a service at a discounted price... or should a person wait for maybe January and then do a service and pay the full price or purchase example, a sandal in January at a full price?

Attending a theme park that hosts an event called horror nights during Halloween season

Q: I wanted to ask for a fatwah on a topic related to Halloween. Universal studios theme park hosts an event called horror nights during the month of October. The theme park stays open after it’s normal operating times and has its rides open with scary themed characters that scare the people attending.

The price for the ticket is a little less than the day park ticket and is not used or donated for anything other than park profit. Would it be haraam to go to horror nights?

Celebrating thanksgiving

Q: My family plans on celebrating thanksgiving. I heard that it’s forbidden for a Muslim to prepare a turkey dinner on thanksgiving because this is an imitation of non-Muslims. It is confirmed in an authentic narration that whoever imitates a people is one of them.

If my family still plans on celebrating thanksgiving, should I avoid sitting with them? What must I do to not participate with them during this day?

Taking part in a 'haldi ceremony'

Q: I have a question regarding the haldi ceremony. I have learnt that this haldi ceremony is a religious ceremony of Hindus. However, many Muslims in our country celebrate this haldi ceremony before a wedding. As far as I know, this is a grave sin and this is imitating the kuffar, but does it take one out of the fold of Islam?