Celebrations and Customs

Pulling the wishbone on Thanksgiving

Q: There is a tradition on thanksgiving where 2 people pull the wishbone of a turkey and whoever is left with the bigger part of the bone that persons wish will come true. I know celebrating thanksgiving is not allowed and I know that only Allah grants things, but if I pull the wishbone with my cousin not with the intention of getting my wishes come true but with the intention of just having fun, is it kufr?

Celebrating birthdays

Q: If someone follows the opinion that celebrating birthdays is halaal as long as they are not extravagant and as long as they don't include something haraam, then if that person says happy birthday to non-Muslims who are celebrating it, are they still Muslim?

Because I've heard from people that if a Muslim participates in a kaafirs events then they have committed kufr (atleats that is what I understood) but what if that person thinks its ok to celebrate birthdays?

Spring Day

Q: What is the status of Muslim schools and madrasahs for kids celebrating Spring Day (the 1st day of spring) by making kids bring flowers or planting flowers, eating ice cream, etc. Thereafter giving it an Islamic theme like seeing the greatness of Allah in spring, etc. However doing it on this same day i.e. first day of spring. Is this allowed in or is it tashabbuh bil kuffar?