Places of Vice

Islamic event that feel like concerts

Q: Some Islamic Scholars organize large scale events. People here scream and shout Takbeer. Audience is comprised of both genders with separate seating arrangements. Though the purpose of the event is Islamic lectures and motivational talks, the ambience feels like a concert. These have been going viral since recent days.

What is the ruling on such events? 

Muslims going on boys trips

Q: It has become a trend amongst our Muslim people where they go on days on end to far away destinations for fishing trips etc. A so-called boys trip, where all types of things happen, from ganja, hukka, etc. to who knows what. Leaving their families all alone at home. What is more, even the so-called ‘Deen Daar, Tableeghi Jamaat brothers, and the like, actually join these people. Saying we need to go out and DE STRESS.

Another fitna is that they have a place where they go (Club House) or one friends house generally after Esha till the late hours of the night to play cards, tunnee, games, etc. with friends. Leaving their families alone at night.

This happens from the old grandfathers going down to the grandchildren. They all have their own clicks and spots to hang out or go on boys trips.

A lot of times these guys can’t make it to the masjid for Fajar Salaah. Is the behavior, to put it mildly, not well beyond INSANITY?

How can a true Muslim sleep in peace in the place where he will be satanically wasting so much funds whilst surrounded by masses of suffering Muslims? Never can one be a Muslim with such a cruel, hard-hearted attitude. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The Muslimoon are like one man. When the eye pains, the whole body is affected. When he has a headache, the whole body is affected.”

Attending the yearly souk

Q: With regards to the yearly souk that takes place, is there anything wrong with attending a souk? What's the difference in going to a mall to buy your needs, and going to a souk to purchase items at good prices?

Also, at the souk, many ulamaa attend. There are salaah facilities and also deeni programmes taking place there. The environment at a souk is more deeni friendly than that of a mall. Please advise.