Keeping a phone knowing that one will use it for haraam
Q: If a person has no need for a phone and knows that if he starts using it, he will fall into haraam (Allah save everyone), then will it be permissible for him to keep a smart phone?
Q: If a person has no need for a phone and knows that if he starts using it, he will fall into haraam (Allah save everyone), then will it be permissible for him to keep a smart phone?
Q: I am greatly troubled with occurrences worldwide e.g. the situations in China, Palestine, Saudi, Iraq, North Korea, etc. Sometimes, I do read the news. Alhumdulillah I am trying to be consistent in my duas and nawafil for the oppressed worldwide.
Can Mufti Saheb please offer some advice on how to remain positive about these situations as well as what we should be doing to help those in need?
Is it alright to read the news occasionally (avoiding all murat i.e. pictures of animate objects)?
How can we remain safe in these times of fitnah?
Q: Is walking on the right hand side of the road considered to be amongst the aadaab (etiquettes) of the road? Some brothers say this is part of the aadaab of gusht but others say this is not true as the road isn't something honorable.
1. I wanted to know if it's permissible to look at the moon, as I heard something along the lines that one should not look at it because something regarding shaytaan.
2. Also, is it permissible to look at the shooting star, and if not, what's the reason?
Q: Is it permissible to stand for the national anthem and salute?
Q: Muslim jurists, 14 centuries back, have expounded certain new principles to carve out Islamic Law, coinciding with the modern theories of law. Can you please let me know what are those new principles? Are they rules of interpretations? Or are they juristic deductions? Or are they both rules of interpretations and juristic deductions?
Q: My parents and I were having a discussion, and this is what came up "what if mankind is Shaytaans trial?"
Q: I get a lot of evil thoughts about people and I really dislike it (for example when I see someone who is fat then I'll think that they so fat etc), please can mufti saheb tell me how to stop these evil thoughts from coming?
Q: Are subliminal messages haraam?
Q: How is man created? Is man created in three components which are spirit, soul and body?