
Using water from a water pipe that was connected illegally

Q: Is water from a water pipe which was connected unauthorisedly with the Govt. water supply scheme for distribution to the authorised consumers but not commissioned till this day, permissible for drinking, ablutions, washing, etc. in view of Islamic rules. The Authority knows and sees but did not taken any legal action against them or regularize the connections.

Government assistance

Q: I was legitimately claiming help with medical costs from the UK government for years. They assess whether you are eligible, by asking for details about your income and savings. Then in 2017 my father deposited some money in my account, and told me it is for his future investment. It wasn't my savings. In order to cover up this money, I lied when asked about my savings. I received help as usual, for two years in which I told untruths to the government. Now Allah has shown me the error of my ways. I understand lying is deplorable and I am feeling full guilt for claiming in an unlawful way. It does say that claiming wrongly can earn a penalty, so i fear that my lies mean I owe them money. Rest assured, however, I was still eligible for help with costs as my real circumstances hadn't changed. My question is: do I have to pay back the medical costs? I don't have the money to pay all of those costs I claimed help with. Yet I'm afraid this counts as debt and I won't get into jannah.

Boycotting certain products

Q: My question is related to the usage of certain things... As in the recent days the Netherlands govt. was involved in initiating a blasphemy contest (na'aoozu-billah) that was later called off... Here in pakistan, Muslim ulama and Ahl e ilm called on ppl to boycott dutch products, so that we could defeat them on economic grounds..

Also being a Muslim nation, love for our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is higher above all thingss... There are many items, some are wholly dutch products while others here I would particularly talk about them such as milk products, many milk companies that are top ranked are in partnership with dutch (friedscampania dairy company). That company invested in our country 's milk companies, however barcodes on items is that of Pakistan... So, what should we do? Can we consume them, particularly when one cannot easily buy fresh milk, as in the hostel? But still this thing irks that Netherlands is tha investor.


Q: I voted on 25th July,2018 for a party I thought would be a good choice for my beloved country. My father and other family members voted for another party. After my father came to know that I voted for another party and not voted for a pary he voted, he got angry. He thinks I disobeyed him and I defamed the name of our family. I broke down to tears today. I am very upset as I never disobeyed my father intentionally. I always try to obey him as much as I can.

My question is that does Islam allow children to vote for a party/person that they think would be a better choice for their country? or it is mandatory for children to vote for a person whomsoever their parents suggest or order them?


Q: Today in the jummah sermon, our mufti sahab said that if one does not vote in the upcoming election for any candidate then he will be sinful (gunah gaar for opting not to vote). I dont like to vote as I know that all the candidates in my constituency are not suitable to be elected. Will I be sinfull?