
Boycotting certain products

Q: My question is related to the usage of certain things... As in the recent days the Netherlands govt. was involved in initiating a blasphemy contest (na'aoozu-billah) that was later called off... Here in pakistan, Muslim ulama and Ahl e ilm called on ppl to boycott dutch products, so that we could defeat them on economic grounds..

Also being a Muslim nation, love for our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is higher above all thingss... There are many items, some are wholly dutch products while others here I would particularly talk about them such as milk products, many milk companies that are top ranked are in partnership with dutch (friedscampania dairy company). That company invested in our country 's milk companies, however barcodes on items is that of Pakistan... So, what should we do? Can we consume them, particularly when one cannot easily buy fresh milk, as in the hostel? But still this thing irks that Netherlands is tha investor.


Q: Does our Shariah allow for the boycotting of a particular country or products from a particular country for political reasons even though the products may be halaal suitable? If we do boycott, will we be guilty of making a halaal product haraam for ourselves?


Q: The topic is always discussed of boycotting certain countries products because they are oppressors. I feel that it is not feasible for few reasons:

1. The boycott will require abstaining from thousands of products that are being utilised and not just one product or one company. I mean why should we single out only company e.g. woolworths.

2. There is no unity in Muslim community when calls for boycotts are made.

3. What difference will a Muslim minority make in boycotting certain companies? What is the respected Mufti Sahebs advice in this regard?

Boycotting Israel

Q: I have done research about boycotting Israel. I have found that if you buying products of which you know a percentage of the profit is given to the Israeli government, then you are actually paying to kill a Palestinian. I feel guilty of murder. What is's view in this matter? Should we boycott?


Q: What is Mufti Sahib's view with regards to boycotting? I understand that turning to Allah through Salaah and duaa is more important but I wanted to know should we also boycott Israeli products and stores that support Israel? What about boycotting other countries that are oppressing Muslims eg. USA, China?

Boycotting and marching

Q: In light of the recent war in Palestine and killing of our brothers and sisters in this land. There has been wide spread support for the cause of the
Palestinian people from both Muslim and non-Muslims. Can mufti elaborate more on the actions of protest (marching) and boycotting of particular retail outlets? The question relates directly to these 2 points, marching and boycotting , as a Muslim should we be supporting and joining these forms of support?