
Non-Muslim leader

Q: Today I was having a debate with a very loving uncle of mine regarding the issue that whether a non Muslim can become a ruler of an Islamic state or not. We didn't end up with any conclusion so I need your help. I'm of the view that a non Muslim can become a ruler provided that he has all the abilities required in a genuine leader and can make the state prosperous. So what does Islam ordains us about this matter. If the answer is "YES", then it's ok for me but if "NO" then kindly answer my following queries:

  1. If he can't become a leader then in my view its injustice with him owing to only this reason that he has born that way which he had no control of?
  2. He lives in that state and loves it and can sacrifice his life for his motherland like any other Muslim can so where's the difference?
  3. In such debates, just to make an argument, we assume any such supposed leader to implement all the things which have been prohibited by Islam on us even though our constitution doesn't allow any such rule to be passed. So even then why is Islam not allowing it?

Social security parent's fund

Q: Please confirm if it is Islamically allowed to be on social security parents as I have heard that it is from money that is from unislamic sources such as riba and gambling etc, and we should not partake in it. I know that some people pretend to be a single mother when their not. They are lying and that is impermissible.They lie to obtain more money for themselves, their husband and their kids. But I am telling the truth me and my husband are on fortnightly payments. My children also receive some money from the government on a fortnightly basis. Is this allowed? Please confirm as I am very concerned about this issue.

Radar & speed camera detectors

Q: My question is regarding radar & speed camera detectors. Recently traffic police in Saudi Arabia has introduced a new system for traffic monitoring known as SAHER. In this system they have installed speed cameras at different locations inside the city by which they are monitoring speed of vehicles and generating speed tickets for defaulters. In addition if the defaulter is unable to pay the amount within 1 month his fine is doubled, similarly if he fails to pay the fine it is trippled in the third month (the maximum is number of times the fine is multiplied is just three). The voilator recvs an sms from the traffic police on the next day of the voilation and then he has to arrange the amount with in a month to avoid it being doubled, whereas earlier the rule was that whenever a person applies for IQAMA renewel or exit re-entry he has to clear all govt dues including any voilations on him, and the voilation amount remained the same. Now some people have started to bring radar and speed camera detectors in saudia tgo avoid being caught and getting speed fines, although it is illegal to buy/sell and use in Saudi Arabia but still we have some people selling it in the market. As we know most of us reduce speed or put on our seat belts when we see the check post from faraway or we know that there are cameras or check posts in the area we are moving towards. Radar detectors are also doing the same job they tell us well in advance that there are speed cameras or police radars 500-800 meters ahead, so that we can slow down and drive carefully and avoid being caught by the police and getting heavy fines the question is that radar detectors are doing nothing but just letting us drive more safely they are not blocking police radars, nither are they blocking the lasers. they are just giving us advance safety precautions so that we can slow down our car. put on the seat belt and drive carefully and avoid speed and other voilation tickets. So can we use these devices for our personal use, and can we trade these devices, if we buy from outside the kingdom and sell them in saudi arabia will this earning be jaiz?