Reciting durood after tashahhud
Q: In the last Tashahud, is the dua recited after durood or before durood?
Q: In the last Tashahud, is the dua recited after durood or before durood?
Q: Can one recite any Surah repeatedly if the imam is taking too long to recite a Surah after Surah faatihah.
Q: Can one move the index finger during tashahhud? Most people don't move it once but keep on moving it. If one can kindly give me the refrence from Qur'an and Hadith.
1. If one happens to omits portion of Durood Ibraaheem due to one forgetting it or making a mistake, is the Salaah valid?
2. If one happens to recite Tashahud and one repeats the portion( Ash Hadu...) where the index finger should be raised, perhaps due to getting stuck, should one raised the finger twice?
3. If yes, and it was not raised twice, is the Salaah valid?
4. Whilst in Salaah, during Durood Ibraaheem, one adds the words "Sayyidina" before the words and Names Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) and Ibraaheem (Alayhis Salaam), is the Salaah valid?
Q: I have a question that how can we make dua in sajdah? Should it be in the Salaah or directly in the sajdah or should it be in Salaah Al Maktoobah or voluntary Salaah?
1) On Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah (farz), the Imaams of the Musjid as well as the Musallis finds it difficult for surah-sajdah to be recited in the first rakaat, and then surah-dahr in the second. Therefore, by one Imaam (Zaid) spiltting up surah-sajdah in two rakaats on one Friday morning and then the other Imaam (Bakr) splitting up surah-dahr in two rakaats on the next Friday morning; will we still be fulfilling the Sunnah?
2) Is it Sunnah to recite Surah Jumuah on Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah? (farz)
3) Is it Sunnah to recite Surah A'laa and Surah Ghaashiyah on Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah? (Farz)
Q: A few years had passed where I used to recite Qirat and tasbeehaat in Salaah silently. Do I need to repeat all those Salaah? Most of my Salaah I performed was with jamaat. However, in that 8 year period I am not sure how many Salaah I performed individually. How would I calculate how many Salaah I need to redo in this instance?
Q: On page 194 beheshti zewar English, #4, it says, the spot on which sajdah will be made should not be more than half a metre higher than feet. However page 165 #7 mentions the same maslah but says one span is the distance. Is the correct distance one span or half a metre?
Q: I would like to ask, if I made one sajda only by mistake and forget the second one, is my prayer valid? I heard that the first sajda is fardh only and the other is mustahab.
Q: After the fard prayer, some imams make dua in congregation while some do not. Some people say it is bida to raise the hands after fard prayer in congregation. But according to a hadith I read, after fard prayer, it is one of the best time to make dua. So, according to Sunnah, what should be done after fard prayer?