
Stopping one's recitation during the course of the discussion

Q: Respected Mufti, I stood behind in prayers where these verses were recited and on the second verse the Imaam would stop the surah and go into ruku. Is this allowed? If not, is this in violation on any of the etiquette of recitation of the Quran?

فَحَشَرَ فَنَادَىٰ [٧٩:٢٣]

فَقَالَ أَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الْأَعْلَىٰ [٧٩:٢٤]

Omitting a Surah in-between two Surahs

Q: I have been told that if, for example one reads surah Nasr in the first rakaat, then in the next rakaat one cannot read surah Ikhlaas. One must recite the surah immediately thereafter or there should be at least a gap of two surahs. Please clarify this rule for me (e.g., does it apply only to short surahs? Does it apply to a 4 rakaat salaah as well?)