
Reciting Ameen softly

Q: I want to know about the saying of ameen in low tone according to Imam abu hanifa as it is contrary to the practice of the Sahaba. Please elaborate. I also know that ameen is a dua and according to quran dua should be said in a low tone but why should we do it when no Sahabi has done it?

Hearing one's own recitation in Salaah

Q: I know that according to the Hanafi madhab to have a valid recitation one must hear oneselfs recitation. But what if there a surrounding noise, or during performance of salaah a surrounding noise (such as children talking etc) does start, does one still need to hear oneself ?

I came across to this statement of Nawawi but he is a Shafi scholar does the same count for the Hanafi madhab:

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Majmoo’ (3/256):  

The minimum form of reciting quietly is such that a person can hear himself if he is sound of hearing and there is no problem such as surrounding noise and the like. This is general in meaning and applies to recitation, takbeer, tasbeeh when bowing and so on, tashahhud, salaam and du’aa’, whether the prayer is obligatory or naafil; nothing of it counts unless he can hear himself, if he is sound of hearing and there is no problem. End quote. 

See: Tabyeen al-Haqaa’iq (1/127) and al-Bahr al-Raa’iq (1/356). 

Do the Hanafi scholars state the same since at the end two Hanafi books are mentioned i.e. Tabyin al Haqaiq and Bahr al Raiq ?

Reciting Surah Iklaas in every rakaat

Q: I like reciting Surah Ikhlaas, from hadith we know that if one recites Surah Ikhlaas 3 times it equivalent to recitation of one complete Quran. I wanted to know whether surah Ikhlaas could be read:

  1. In every rakath of Fardh salaat.
  2. In every rakath of Sunnath salaat.
  3. In every rakath of any nafil salaat
  4. In every rakath during taraweeh if missed with Jamath.
  5. In every rakath of Salatul Tauba, Salatul Thajjud, Witar and while offering the missed salaat.

Changing a letter during recitation in salaah

Q: I read in a book that if you change a letter during recitation in salaah, the salaah is broken. Such as reading the letter ت instead of  د such as at the end of Surah al Falaq reading HASET instead of HASED. But somehow when I recite HASED no matter how much I pay attention to recite it with D I hear a T sound at the end coming out. Does this still break salaah? To break salaah does it need to change meaning, if HASED is read as HASET does it change meaning?