
Surah Faatiha in the 3rd and 4th rakaat

Q: I want to ask whether I have understood a masalah correctly: In a book it was stated that according to some Hanafi ulama reading Fatiha in the 3th and 4th rakat is Sunnah, and according to some Hanafi ulama it is Wajib.

Then the book stated if Fatiha is read twice in the 3th and 4th rakat, there no sajdah sahw by ittifaaq.

Do I understand correctly that sajdah sahw is not due by ittifaaq because whether Fatiha is Sunnah or Wajib in the 3th and 4th rakat, it is not Wajib or Fard to go to ruku after recitation of Fatiha in the 3h and 4th rakat and it is permissible to read more, but since it is permissible and not Wajib or Fard, there is no delay for the ruku, hence by ittifaaq there is no sajdah sahw due if someone reads Fatiha twice in the 3rd and 4th rakaat, whether reading Fatiha in the 3th and 4th rakaat is Sunnah or Wajib.

But in the 1st and 2nd since it is Wajib to read a surah after Fatiha one would delay this Wajib if one was about to read Fatiha twice hence sajdah sahw is due because of delay. But if one reads in the 1st and 2nd rakat first Fatiha then a surah then Fatiha again then there is no sajdah sahw because going to the ruku after the surah is not Wajib or Fard and it is permissible to read another surah after surah. Hence no delay thus no sajdah sahw.

Did I understand this masalah correctly?

Reciting out of sequence in Salaah

Q: Recently at a Jumu’ah salaah, the Imaam read Surah 110 Al-Nasr in the first Rakaat and then Surah 109 Al-Kafirun in the second rakaat. We have always been taught to read in ascending order, i.e. 109, 110, 111, 112 etc. The Imaam was a guest Shafee Imaam in a largely Hanafee congregation.

  • What is the position regarding the validity of that particular Salaah?
  • What does one do if one is reading individually and makes the same mistake as above and realises it (a) whilst completing the Salaah, and (b) after Salaah is completed?

Reciting aloud in the Sunnats and Nawaafils of the night

Q: I am currently becoming hafiz at the age of almost 40 (please make dua that I reach completion). I practice what I have learnt during the day by reciting it in namaz and in nawafils. After Esha I come home from the masjid and I recite quietly in the sunnats of Esha and loudly in witr namaz and in nawafils thereafter. I do not pray loud in nawafils during the day because I have been told that you can't recite aloud in the sunnats of (say for eg. Esha, maghrib) and that you can't pray loud in nawafil during the day (only at night), is this true?

I find it so much easier and more helpful if I read aloud, I find that reading aloud helps me retain what I have memorised much better. For the sake of my purpose (hifz-e-quran) would it be ok for me to recite aloud in sunnats of maghrib/Esha, etc and in Ishraaq and chast namaz in the privacy of my own home (without disturbing anyone)?