
Qiraat in the second or third rakaat of witr salaah being longer than the first rakaat


1. In the witr prayer, is it makrooh tahreemi, makrooh tanzeehi, or permissible to recite a surah in the third rakat which is longer by three verses or more than the surah which was recited in the first rakat and is it makrooh tahreemi, makrooh tanzeehi, or permissible to recite a surah in the third rakat which is longer by three verses or more than the surah which was recited in the second rakat?

2. In a fard prayer or in a wajib prayer, if two surahs have the same number of verses but not the same number of words then would it be makrooh tahreemi, makrooh tanzeehi, or permissible to recite the surah which has less words in the first rakat and to recite the surah which has more words in the second rakat?

Not reciting Surah Faatihah in the third and fourth rakaat of a fardh salaah


1. If a person intentionally does not recite surah fatiha in the third or fourth rakat of a fard prayer but stands for the duration of three subhanallahs or more and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid. And if that person stands for less than the duration of three subhanallahs and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid.

2. If a person forgets to recite surah fatiha in the third or fourth rakat of a fard prayer but stands for the duration of three subhanallahs or more and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid. And if that person stands for less than the duration of three subhanallahs and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid.