
Sale item not being specified

Q: I went to buy some jewellery. A salesman there told me that there is a scheme where I have to pay 11 instalments in advance and the 12th instalment will be paid by the jewellery company as a bonus or discount. I can then buy any gold jewellery of my choice after 11 months. Is this allowed in Islam?

Google ads

Q: I have a job advertisement website on which I post job offers, people looking for employment, etc. I now want to apply to have Google Ads on my site as I will earn money through these ads. Is this permissible?

Investing in shares

Q: Is it halal to invest money in the share market because almost all companies have a debt and/or they invest their money in to debt on which they earn/pay interest. Though the company's base dealing is in halaal.

Lease agreements

Q: Please advise on lease agreements:

1. Is it necessary for a formal lease agreement contract to be in conformity with the Shariah? I understand that any faasid, baatil, or haraam conditions made compulsory by the Government will be excused.

2. Also, is it possible that on account of a lease agreement with faasid, baatil, or haraam conditions, the rent the lessor receives will be haraam money?

Using paid WordPress plug-ins which one received for free

Q: I am creating / developing my ecommerce store (on wordpress) selling various products online. It requires some Plugins / Extensions to be installed which are PAID. I am enrolled in a course (on Udemy) where my tutor gave me all those (required) plugins for FREE to use them on my own ecommerce site.

P.S: I don't know whether my tutor owns them or he grabbed them from somewhere else. I did sent him an email asking that but haven't heard from him. If I use those plugins on my site, and the income which will be generated from my store will be Halal or Haram? Can you please guide me on this?