
Purchasing a tupperware package

Q: Is it permissible for a person to purchase a package while not having full knowledge of its contents? Also, there won't be any future disputes since both parties are happy with the sale. For e.g. The company "Tupperware" usually holds a sale once a year where you purchase a 'tupperware package', not knowing the exact quantity or type of tupperwares inside it, but the case is such that whatever you get will definitely satisfy you and turn out cheaper than the normal market value. Hence there is no question of disputes thereafter. Is such a sale permissible?

BidorBuy payment options

Q: I wish to sell items via an online platform, BidorBuy. Buyers make payment directly to Bidorbuy. They then make the funds available to the Seller for payout. Bidorbuy takes a 1.5% cut of the sale as a commission. As a Seller, I am allowed to choose which payment methods I can make available for potential Buyers. Please advise on their permissibility (questions 1 - 6):

1. BobPay EFT BobPay EFT is available to Sellers provided they can receive payout requests into a South African bank account. Bidorbuy receives the EFT transfer from the Buyer and the Bidorbuy account of the Seller is then credited with this amount, minus the bank fees charged by Bidorbuy (currently set at 5% per transaction).

2. BobBucks BobBucks are Bidorbuy vouchers. Buyers are able to purchase items using BobBucks from Sellers who offer BobPay EFT. As far as Sellers are concerned, the BobBucks voucher credit will be treated in the same way as a BobPay EFT. The funds are credited to the Sellers' Bidorbuy account and they may request a payout. BobBucks will automatically be offered alongside BobPay EFT as a payment option. If Buyers purchase items valued at more than the BobBucks voucher, they will need to pay a top-up payment using other payment methods. If they purchase items valued at less than the BobBucks voucher, the 'change' will remain in their BobBucks account for them to use the next time they choose to.

3. BobPay Credit Card The BobPay Credit Card payment system allows Sellers to accept credit card payments from Buyers. Bidorbuy receives the credit card payment and the Bidorbuy account of the Seller is then credited with this amount, minus the bank fees charged by Bidorbuy (currently set at 5% per transaction). Sellers should note the risk of charge backs. The Seller ultimately takes the risk for reversal of the transaction in case the credit card was used fraudulently (a charge back can take place up to 180 days after the transaction).

4. Discovery Miles Buyers with Discovery Miles (which they earn with their Discovery Credit card) can shop on Bidorbuy and pay for items from Sellers that accept Discovery Miles.

5. PayLater PayLater facilitates loans up to R8000 through a third party registered credit provider. PayLater is only available to selected Sellers with a good track record on Bidorbuy. As soon as the Buyer's loan is approved, the funds will be matched to the relevant order in the Seller's Bidorbuy account.

6. Escrow service This involves using a trusted agent who keeps the money until the Buyer signals that the payment may be released to the Seller. Should there be any dispute, then the escrow company intervenes returning the money to the Buyer after the goods have been returned to the Seller, if applicable. This method is rather costly for Sellers and is occasionally used for high value transactions.


7. As a Seller, I have to request a payout of the money in my Bidorbuy account. May I withdraw money in this manner, it is the only option:

Payout Requests

In order to withdraw funds that Bidorbuy is holding in your Bidorbuy account, you are required to make a payout request from the Bidorbuy website. Users have 1 free payout in a calendar month, regardless of the amount requsted. Thereafter a R5.00 BobPay transfer fee will be charged for any payout amount under R3,000.00. For amounts over R3,000.00, no BobPay transfer fee will be charged. If a user has used their 1 free payout and requests another payout below R3,000.00, the R5.00 BobPay transfer fee will be charged. If a user has R5.00 in their account, the system will not process the payment if a BobPay transfer fee is applicable.

A user can also not request less than R5.00 as a payout.

Interacting with women in the work place

Q: I work in a call centre and my role involves taking calls and speaking to customers. Some of them are women. Unfortunately, living in the UK it's hardly avoidable not to find employment that doesn't involve having some interaction with the opposite gender with the exception of some sort of manual labour work which, is tiresome, and pays very low for long hours. That's not ideal with everything so expensive here now. Alhamdulillah, I try my utmost best to minimise as much interaction as possible. There is never any physical contact just eye contact, and verbal communication. I never do the following:

- Have dinner with them during lunch hours

- Play pool with them during lunch hours like other brothers

- Engage in causal chit-chat, but strictly work related when necessary, only gentle response to a good morning or when they greet me with a pretentious smile

- I never offer them or accept a drive home or to work

- I never get in the elevator if there is more than one female

I always say astagfirullah as much as possible for any shortcoming and just for interacting even when I needed to. With this in mind, am I still sinning working where I am? Allah says in the Qur’an to fear him as much as we can, and I do my utmost best, but it is also frudh for a man to make a living for his family.