
Helping someone set up a business

Q: Please assist help me understand the concept of helping someone to set up a business.

Scenario A:

Person A helps person B by lending the person R 10 000 for a business. Person A wants R 15 000 after 3 years (R 10 000 as capital and R 5 000 as profit). This is purely money lent to another person. Is this ribah?

Scenario B:

Person A buys a business for R 10 000 person B and then Person B pays off the R 10 000 (capital) + R 5000 (Profit) over 3 years. A business is bought and sold back to Person A. Is this Halaal?

Installing refrigeration systems

Q: I have applied for a job at a company that installs industrial refrigeration systems (cold rooms, cooling for warehouses, etc.). My job would entail designing the system as well as overseeing the installation and repairs on site. I have found out that the clients include breweries as well as companies that would stock haraam meat products (certain fast food franchises and supermarkets). Based on the above please could Mufti Saab advise as follows: 1. Will it be permissible for me to take on such employment, or will it fall under the category of assisting in sin? 2. If the answer to the above is 'impermissible', will the ruling change if I am granted exclusion from working on the cold room that would store alcohol and other haraam products? 3. Any other info that Mufti Saab would feel relevant, as I would not always know what the cold room would be used for. Jazakallah for your time and effort, and please do remember us in your duas.

Provident fund

Q: Is a provident fund which is half collected from the employee’s salary and half deposited from the company/government on behalf of the employee permissible or is it regarded as interest? Is investing in a provident fund permissible?

Opening a meat distribution centre

Q: I intend opening a meat shop and distribution centre in a town some two hours from Cape Town insha Allah. My supplier is strictly halaal. As I will not slaughter any animals myself and will only pass on/sell to the public, do I need a halal certificate displayed in my meat shop or is a notice of the above procedure displayed in my shop adequate?

Web hosting

Q: We are selling dedicated servers to customer in the U.S. They purchase this service from us and than use it for their business, etc. We do not know what they will use this service for. They use the server for marketing etc. We do not sell such a service to the person who is going use it unlawfully and in a wrong way but when we can not recognise where they will use this service, than what can we do? Can we provide them hosting service? Is it permissible to for us deal with them? This server and hosting service can be use in both ways permissible and impermissible ways. It depend on customers usage. Please advise us.

Selling an item before taking possession of it

Q: Salmaan owns a grocery store. Ismail phoned him and purchased a pack of long life milk from him. After concluding the sale on the phone, Ismail did not take possession of the milk but instead sold the milk to Bakr and asked Salmaan to deliver the milk directly to Bakr instead of bringing it to his store. Is it correct for Ismail to sell the milk to Bakr before taking possession of it?