
Marketing one's product through social networks

Q: I have developed an urdu learning app and I will sell its features.

1. If I ask some of my friends or relatives to forward and market my app as much as they can to their known people, do I need to pay them for this?

2. I am a female, can I market my app by collecting a large number of emails from internet and then send my app link on those email addresses, is it permissible for me to do this?

3. I am not on facebook neither do i use it. Can I ask my friend to market my app on facebook? Is it permissible? Is facebook a haram medium to market my app? What if I dont ask my friend but still she markets my app on facebook, do I need to stop her from marketing my app on facebook?

Agent taking a commission

Q: My company arranges business agreements between two parties. According to the business agreement, the first party pays money to our company for the second party that gives service to the first party. Our company acts as a business agent and takes commission from the money given to us as fees for the second party without telling the first party but with the permission of the second party who already worked with us.

Also, we take another fee from the first party while telling them that it is our service fee for arranging the business agreement with the second party and it is a clear dealing.

My question is about the commission that we take from the second party fees without notifying the first party (payee) is halal or not? Because this commission is the main source of income for my company. If this commission is not permissible then the salary I take from the company is halal or not? 

Investing in prize bonds

Q: My question is regarding the bonds that can be acquired from the state bank of the country and used as an investment tool by different people. The different bonds are worth from 100 Rupees to 40000 RS. then people wait for the draw to take place, once the draw takes place if your bond number is in the list you will get the prize money, otherwise you can get your money back by returning the bond to the bank. I want to know whether investment in these bonds are Halal or Haram. Is the prize money halal or haram?

Earning through Google adsense

Q: I am running my youtube channel and educational website and both are associated with google adsense. So kindly suggest me that the income that i am getting from google adsense partnership program is halal or haram. Kindly explain for both website and youtube channel. I am not involved in any video ads on youtube.