marital problems

Marital problems

Q: Can a man have two wives if he is unable to support them? My husband has another wife. Both he and the other wife are unemployed and not earning any income. I am the only one working. We all live in one house. Being the only one working does not affect me as much as the fact that I have no alone time with my husband. I do not get to have any intimate time with my husband. He only shares that part with her because they are alone and we are not. The only alone time we have is when he says goodbye to me at the gate in the mornings. Please advise what to do. I make dua everyday that he finds a good job so that we can have separate homes. This is such a difficult situation and is taking its toll on me. I desperately want a child but with no alone time I obviously cannot even think about getting pregnant. A friend suggested that I get my own place and they must see to themselves but how do I do that to another person who I know does not have an income? Please help me figure this out?

Requesting the husband for separate accommodation

Q: I would like to ask Mufti Saheb's opinion in regards to living with my in laws. I'm currently living at my husbands parents house and have been for the past 5 years. I have two little boys mashaAllah and am expecting my third child in April Insha Allah. I live with my husbands parents, his sister and sisters husband, his brother and brothers wife with a little child. I have been given one room to live with my children and husband and the space is very tight now especially with our expanding family. I want to know whether I am allowed to ask my husband to provide separate accommodation for us as I have started to really struggle with that many people and very limited space. I have been living here for quite a while now and things are getting difficult as my children are growing, the family is finding it hard to tolerate them, constant remarks are passed here and there which makes me very upset as a mother. There are also covering up issues as my brother in laws are around and sometimes there are slip ups where my hair or other parts get uncovered, especially with me running after my children all day at home. My husband has had numerous arguments with me over this but no matter how hard I try there are always slip ups. Alhamdulillah I have never raised my voice with anyone, I keep my peace with everyone over here, all I want is to live separately now. I don't ever want to take my husband away from his parents but I'm suffocating like this and can't carry on any longer. Would I be sinful for asking this off him? Does Islam give me a right to my own accommodation as a wife?

Wife involved in a haraam relationship

Q: Two years ago I got engaged to a girl and then I told her that if you want to live with me, you have to control yourself and don't do anything which affects our relation other wise if you do, I will do more bad and no sorry will be accepted then. She promised me that I will not do anything like that. But now after three months of my marriage I know that my wife was in a friendship with someone on the internet before marriage. Now I am confused what to do? I am not talking to her from 7 days. I want to know about my problem. What should I do according to the Islamic point of view?

Marital problems

Q: I am so stressed. I want a divorce from my husband but he is not agreeing. We had a secret Nikaah nobody knows about it till now. Now that the situations are worst and I can't continue to be his wife, I asked for divorce but he is not agreeing. Please tell me a wazifa which could help or anything. Please help me in this critical time please. What should I do?

Marital problems

Q: If a wife wants to stop her husband from taking drugs and he keeps picking on food and other things that he provides for her and he wants her to leave work and stay at home but she is scared of doing that because he treats her like a dog. What does she do?

Spending time with one's wife

Q: I wanted to ask something about relationship issues. My husband is very strictly religious and he reads lots of Islamic books through the whole day in his free time. Even at night I tell him to sleep early, at least at 12 o clock in the night but he reads the seerah of prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and completes all the amal of zikr which is done under his shaykh. Then he goes to sleep at 3 or 4 am. I sometimes get upset about that. He doesn't give some of his free time to me and if I say anything he says that we must think of the aakhira, not the worldly life. Sometimes I comfort myself that what he's doing is to please Allah, so I don't bother him. But I want to know that what he's doing is it more rewardable than having free time with his wife and sleeping early with his wife?

Black magic

Q: Me and my husband are suffering from black magic for separation. Can I ask him to treat himself by reading Surah baqarah, ruqya, bathing etc otherwise I have no option but to separate from him until he recovers as we are going through major misunderstandings which could eventually lead to divorce.

Marital problems

Q: I am a 22 years old married girl. It's been 2 years that I am married and have no children yet because my husband wanted me to study further. I live with my in-laws and I am having problems with the way I feel ignored time to time. I sometimes am the centre of attention and other times they're all in a gloomy mood and I feel uncomfortable sitting between them. I want to be heard and I am having anxiety issues and other problems because of the stress I am taking. Kindly tell me an effective dua for value, importance and love between me and my family and a happy life, I would be grateful.

Marital problems

Q: I hope you can somewhat help me with my problem even though it's all in Allah's hand. I've been married for 2 years Alhamdulilah. I love my husband and we connected because of Islam from the beginning. We are practicing our faith together but his parents and sister are putting so much fitnah. I'm 7 months pregnant Alhamdulilah. I've had problems beforehand with them because they are very controlling and blame me for their son changing. I explain to them we all have to change when we get married and even before In order to go to jannah. His father is an alcoholic and violent and his mother is a pathological liar. My husband is torn because he wants to make things right because in Islam we have to be forgiving. We live in a 2 family home and things have escalated with his father threatening to hit me because he wants his son to listen to them and only them. He watches haram on tv. Even though I don't see it, it's on the recently browsed on my tv. She has smoked cigarettes in the house knowing I have asthma and hasn't apologized. The list of things can go on and on. I want an apology. I've been stressed out so much and it's not healthy on me or my baby. It's easy for someone to forgive their own siblings and parents. This has also made more disputes arise between my husband and I. I love him and know they are his parents but I don't want to give in without an apology. It's killing me inside. I don't think he should forgive so easily without an apology and forget what his parents and sister have said and done to me especially being pregnant. I'm so stuck.

Marital problems

Q: I have a question regarding divorce. Me and my wife have had a lot of problems. And we end up living separated. But I said once that I give her divorce. But we lived together after that. Then we got problems. I didn't have problems with her. But her family had a lot of problems with me. And I shifted from my wife. I live in Norway. And my wife applied separation in Norwegian law. But I didn't give her divorce. But her parents got some kind of fatwa from somebody in Pakistan that it's a valid divorce. My question is, is it a valid divorce? How is that possible? She wants to comeback as she told me two months ago.