
Wazifa for safe pregnancy

Q: I had a miscarriage in April due to no baby heartbeat. Now I conceived again Alhumdulilah but yesterday I went for ultrasound and they said that there is a baby without foetal pole and they said that I should come back in a week to check the baby's heartbeat again. Please suggest any dua which I can recite and Allah give a heartbeat to my baby and I will be safe from miscarriage. 

Undergoing treatment by an Aamil

Q: My question is regarding treatment for sehr. I have been to doctors and blood tests, all clear Alhamdulillah. I thereafter wanted to go to an aamil for treatment and searched the internet regarding this, I read that by going to someone who uses jinn one can loose their Iman and sometimes may be equivalent to shirk. Some Aamils that I was referred to can apparently treat without having to see you by taking your name and your mother's name. Regarding this, I've read that it's not allowed because our lineage is from our father's side and in taking your mother's name you destroy your lineage. Mufti saheb please help me with this matter as I am in desperate need of help and am afraid as I don't want to loose my Iman.

Reciting three quls and Ayatul Kursi before sleeping

Q: My sister is 5 years old and she is a normal girl. At night when she sleeps she wakes up at 2 am and starts crying and she is repeatedly saying Allahu Akbar bismillahir rahmanir rahim and after 10 to 15 minutes she gets normal again and goes back to sleep being exhausted and once she gets up she dont remember what all happend. This is happening with her from past one month.

Going to aamils

Q: I am facing several marriage blockings from past four years. I tried several wazifas but conditions are still same. In this regard I have contacted a spiritual healer. He has his connections with the tablighi jamat. The methods suggested for the relieve are the burning of amulets wrapped in cotton and looking at the flame at maghrib time together with the rubbing of egg on the body and use of meat and throwing it away for first two days. The burning of amulets continues for 3 months. Are these methods of healing permissable?