
Protection from car accidents

Q: Please advise what I can read for Allah Ta'ala to save me from getting into a car accident. In my area, people always drive fast and in a very dangerous and inconsiderate manner. I become very nervous and worried whilst driving. Alhamdulillah, I do recite the Masnoon Duaas at the times of getting into the vehicle, when the vehicles moves, and reaching my destination.

Wazifa for peace

Q: If a person fights with his wife and children and tells them his forced to stay with them or he tells the wife this house is not yours, what dua can a person read for peace in the house?


Q: Can the jin be controled by a maulana and can he ask the jin to spy on some people like to whom a person is speaking or having contact with or right now what that person is doing?


Q: What is a muwakkil? The noorani jinn? Do they have a contact with angels? People get these jinns/muwakkils through doing wazifas of a silsila of qadria chistia shazlia etc. Is this correct?