
Resorting to Taweez in all affairs

Q: There is a developing trait wherein any issue arising in someone's life, people are resorting to Taweez. For example, a child regularly misbehaves or is ill, people are resorting to Taweez, believing that someone has done something to the child. A further example is where couples don't have children or to save oneself from nazar, they are told by family get a Taweez. I recognize that Taweez is permissible but is it correct to utilize it for every perceived or genuine problem with the potential that people subconsciously develop the conviction that Taweez is the remedy for all issues? 

Wazifa for depression

Q: I am battling with work conditions and have slumped into depression. I am seeking other work but Insha Allah it will come through perseverance. What is my condition with Allah Ta'ala because of my patience? What can one do to alleviate this depression as I read Qur'an but still struggling.