
Using black magic to stop black magic

Q: My sister has come to know that black magic is being used to disturb and destroy her house. Her husband beats her everyday, threatens her that he’ll divorce her. He is also involved in extramarital affairs. This has been going on for the last 2 years. My sister reads Surah Baqara daily, offers 5 times prayers, and sincerely prays to Allah for relief but she has been in severe pain due to her husband’s attitude towards her. Recently she has come to know that somebody in her family is using black magic against her to destroy her relationship with her husband.

Somebody referred my sister to a guy who can destroy the black magic by using black magic. He claims that she’ll live a happy life with her husband once he is done with his magic. My sister has given him money to use black magic knowledge to destroy the black magic which is being done on her. Now my questions are:

1. What is the Shariah ruling on somebody using black magic to stop black magic?

2. Has my sister committed kufr?

3. Has my sister committed shirk?

4. If she has committed shirk by this way, is there anyway she could be forgiven by Allah?

5. Can she still go to heaven? She has been a pious woman all her life before this.

Wazifa for shifa

Q: My mother is suffering from end stage renal disease (kidney failure). She is 58 years old. Doctors dont want to start dialysis as they said that there is a chance the kidney will start little work. Please give any dua for kidney improvement?

Studying ruqyah

Q: After completing my Alimah studies in’sha’Allah, I really want to become a Ruqya therapist. I have been afflicted with sihr myself, but Alhamdulillah with the grace of Allah Ta'ala, I got cured by a trusted raqi.

I really want to become a raqi. I feel that there’s not enough female raqis and I’ve been interested in becoming a raqi ever since I visited a Ruqya clinic, and carefully watched the raqi perform Ruqya. I thought to myself it’s such a rewarding job, and you get to help so many Muslims who are suffering. I also feel there’s lots of muslimahs who need help and cure and if there’s a female raqi it’ll be so much easier for them in terms of not feeling uncomfortable going to see a male.

If you could let me know what I need to do in order to become a raqi? Do I do a online course or study Ruqya course at an institute?

Reciting "Ya Salaamu" for a sick person

Q: For the last couple months my grandfather has become extremely ill, me and my extended family have been taking turns in traveling to Bangladesh to visit him. My aunt is currently in Bangladesh. An imam from Bangladesh has told my aunt to recite “Ya Salamu” as a form of tasbeeh 50,000 times. Both me and my mother have not come across this tasbeeh and after looking for it we have not found it, we are both concerned that this is bidah (innovation) and that it is not authentic, please could you clear the air if this is authentic or not.

What to recite to save oneself from "nazar"

Q: In Islam we know that there is something known as "nazar" or "the evil eye" and what are its negative effects and harms etc.

We would like to know, is there also such a thing in Islam as "sweet nazar" or "good nazar"?

For example, when a father or mother looks at his/her child with a look of pure love and forgets to say "Maashaa Allah", then can this glance of love have a negative effect on the child? Since there is no question of jealously for one's own child, can there still be negative effects in an innocent look out of pure love?

If so, does this principle apply to everything that is dear to you?

For example, if you look at your own car or house with a look of amazement without saying "Maa shaa Allah" then can this have a negative effect on it even though there's no question of jealousy for your own belongings.