
Treating sihr


1. It has been confirmed from three authentic sources that my husband has sihr. As part of his treatment I must read Surah Baqarah daily for 40 days. Sometimes I play it on my laptop on days that I can't read. Is it jaiz (acceptable) to play in the house, office when no one is there on the same floor for protection? I heard that recitation of Surah Baqarah protects any home for 3 days from bad influences.

2. My husband naturally is resistant to treatment despite being incredibly religious himself. All the signs are there between us, his business, consistent thefts by employees and him not taking action. Is there anything else I can do apart from Surah Baqarah and Ruqyah Shariah?

3. My husbands shaikh insists that there is no such thing as sihr (though it was done on the Prophet) and doesn't advise seeking treatment because he believes no human being has such power over another, its impossible. He never advocates treatment. Isnt it haraam to consistently prevent someone from seeking treatment, also to openly disregard that sihr doesnt exist in todays day and age?

4. What is the reality regarding sihr and its effects, and what is correct treatment for sihr?



1. Can you please explain ruqyah.

2. If a person reads Quraan and seeks protection from evil, is that ruqyah?

3. Please explain this hadith from Saheeh Bukhari #6472 concerning 70,000 people.

Going to an Aamil to take out nazar

Q: Recently my friend took her 2 year old daughter to a Moulana and he apparently checks for nazr. So he makes the child put her finger on a device like a screw driver and the mother must say her name and then the childs name and then if the sandal turns the child has nazr.

So the child apparently had nazr and the Moulana read something and blew, etc. He asked them to give him her outfit that she was wearing so he could check something and he said later on that she has something called a "bad wind" on her and he was going to try to take out the bad wind.

He also gave them 7 small pieces of paper with something written on it an they were instructed to take the paper around her 7 times at maghrib an then burn the paper. He also gave them a paper with something written on it and told them that they must put it in water and make the child drink from the water.

My question is, is it more advisable for the parents themselves to read aayaat an duas from the Holy Quraan on the child for protection from nazr etc. or is it better to seek the help of such Moulanas? 

Repenting from doing sihr

Q: I am a 22 year old male. 2 years I was in love with a girl and then we broke up. I was deeply in love with her so my freind suggested that I go to a magician (peer) so I went to a Shia magician and he told me to do these things:

1. Put sand outside the house of the one I love

2. Put one date (kajoor) inside mud

3. Put your photographs inside honey

4. Put one big stone on a taweez

5. And he gave me one human like page and told me to put it inside some graveyard and put a thread in its throat.

I have done all these things  but after 1 month I felt that I am doing sihr so I decided stop. I called the magician and told him that I dont want her anymore. He told me to drop all the things in water. I dropped the honey in water, the taweez in water, but the date (kajoor) is still inside the mud and the page is inside the graveyard. My mission was not completed and the girl didnt come back. There was no harm caused to that girl. So now I want to repent. 

1. Do I have to remove the date (kajoor) from the mud?

2. Do I have to remove the page from the graveyard? I remember the graveyard but I don't remember the exact place where i put it.

3. How do I repent and what do I do?

Reading manzil on a plant

Q: I personally read manzil and other relevant aayats of Quran and blow it on isbanb (or some call it aspand/efsand/peganum hermala/syrian rue/African rue, etc.) and then it is roasted on fire and smoke comes out of it. It is a common practice done at my place in Kashmir for the treatment of jinn, sihr, etc. Is it permissible?