
Becoming a ma'zoor due to constant discharge

Q: I have read on many trusted sites that, urethral discharge is impure. However, if someone is getting this discharge a lot and it is difficult to control, can they be excused from washing it constantly? I experience a lot of anxiety and stress and is probably why I am getting this type of discharge. I know from experience. I don't want to be stuck in the toilet for a long time or use a lot of water.

1. So what can I do? I've read somewhere else that a girl used to experience this discharge because of severe headaches, so she was advised that its not the normal urethral discharge.

2. Doesn't it make you najis because its coming out of the place where urine comes out?

Dried up impurity on one's carpet

Q: On my house carpet, sperm and urine has been on the carpet, however it has dried up and there's no trace left. Does the impurity from this area of the carpet transfer to people who step on the carpet? If not, what if someone with wet feet steps on the area. Also, does impurity transfer when it is wet or damp?

Water splashing when making istinja

Q: I am facing a weird issue for the past couple of weeks. I have observed that while performing istinja on an Indian toilet, the water splashes from the toilet surface and there is a chance that these splashes might end up on one's body, clothes or shoes.

What is the Islamic ruling for such splashes? From my part, I try very hard to avoid water from splashing but the water ends up splashing anyways.