
Nikaah performed in the state of janaabat

Q: If a woman or man bathed before their nikah and didn't know they had to rub their scalp but every strand of hair (atleast they thought) was wet would this mean the nikah would be invalid as ghusl was not done completely? What about a woman who bathed after her periods before her nikah and missed some parts of ghusl but thought she was cleans. Is nikah invalid?

What if she did ghusl like this for 4 or 5 months after nikah and did ghusl like this after periods and sex? Does nikah invalidate? What if any part of the ghusl was done incorrectly or missed what is the effect of nikah? Is it invalidated?

Wudhu and ghusal for a person who has severe scalp acne

Q: I am a woman who has severe acne on her scalp. This has been causing me extreme distress, especially with regards to purity and showering. The pimples on my head are infectious and filled with pus. They pop all the time and when they pop they release pus/blood/liquid for usually two-three days (this is called "weeping", common for acne pimples). It is almost impossible to catch a time when there are no "weeping" pimples on my head. The only time I get to wash/shampoo my hair is when it is fardh for me to make ghusl (usually once/twice a month). I am afraid to wash my head otherwise because that would only spread the impurity coming out of the pimples all over my body. However, it is becoming extremely difficult not to wash my hair.

My hair is long and my scalp becomes very oily quickly and it makes me feel disgusted. Not washing it often seems to be worsening my acne, as well as making my head itch like crazy (and itching it just pops more pimples). There doesn't seem to be any effective medical solution for scalp acne, I've tried a couple things but none of them worked. This situation is really stressing me out. Can I just shower whenever I want to even if the pimples on my head are releasing impurity? What do I do about the impurity going all over the rest of my body?

Paralyzed person delaying in changing after passing stool

Q: Most of my body is paralyzed. I have a caregiver to assist me for my basic needs. Most mornings when the caregiver arrives around 8:30 or later upon checking, we realised that I have passed stool. Some mornings I do not pass. After eating or being awake for some time I sometimes make more stool.

1. If I do not get a smell is it fine for me to continue with eating and other work or should I rather check?

2. Can I do exercises and drink hot water before checking and changing to try to ensure that I just need to change once for the morning?

3. Some mornings I am not well or very tired and find it difficult to sleep after waking up to change. Can I continue sleeping after the caregiver comes or should I break my sleep and check to see if I need to change?

Packing napaak clothes in one's luggage

Q: I was away on holiday and some of my clothes got napaak, once the clothes were dry I packed it in a plastic bag and then in my luggage. When I arrived home and unpacked my bag I noticed that most of my clothes were damp, the outside of the plastic bag didn't however seem to be wet (but I can't be 100% sure as it isn't easy to tell). I am not sure what happened at the airline that may have caused the clothes to get damp. My question is whether this makes my bags napaak and everything else that was in it