
Washing impure clothing

Q: If I get some impurity on my clothes then I don't wash it according Islamic law i.e. the cloth is washed 3 times and squeezed with full strength the last time. Instead  I wash it until I feel it is clean. I find it more easier and better than the Islamic way. Is this kufr? 

Fardh and sunnah acts of wudhu


1. What are fard acts of wudhu? If I want to wash my face and there is some sweat on my face, can I make my hand wet then wipe my face or washing my face is required?

2. Also, if I were to wash my arms or face, normally I wet my hand and touch the tap to close it and wipe my face after touching tap. The tap was wet due to me closing it, so is my wudu valid since my hand had mustamil (used water )?

3. Also when doing masah, if my hand touched my wet face and that water also came in doing masah is my wudu valid? (Here also mustamil water)

4. Is doing wudu in steps compulsory or not?

5. Is it compulsory to complete the wudu before the hands and face get dry?

Water splashes while making istinjaa


1. I feel that when I am performing istanja, water gets splashed on my feet after touching my private parts. What is the ruling about these splashes?

2. Secondly I want to ask about how to clean slippers? If I am taking a bath and my body is najis, then how do I make sure that my slippers are clean after cleaning my body. I suffer from doubts about the inner side of the slippers that it becomes najis if najis water falls on my feet or slippers.

3. Last question is about washing shoes and other things which cannot be squeezed three times after pouring water on them? How do we make them paak if they happen to get najis??

Will one be a ma'zoor by emitting few drops when aroused?

Q: I have been experiencing a few problems lately. Often when I experience an erection, a few drops of what I believe to be semen. I have never had a wet dream so I don't really know what it should look like. This does not happen everytime but it does occur.

a) Am I considered to be mazoor?

b) If not do I have to have a bath every time that happens?

c) If i am mazoor do i have to have a every time?

Blood clots in an egg

Q: I would like to know if, eggs that contain tiny blood clots in them when cracked open haraam for consumption?

Recently I have been having a huge problem with both big, small and tiny blood spots in both the egg yolks and white and most of time it is extremely difficult to see and remove all the blood spots especially if they are a lots small and tiny spots in the egg yolks and sometimes the egg whites. If for example I have to bake a cake it can take at times an hour or more to just clean the eggs. In addition, at times it is impossible and very difficult to remove all the clots.

As a result I have stopped eating eggs and anything that contains eggs because I do not want to consume anything that is not halaal and Tayyab. But I also do not want make what is permissable for consumption haraam.

Do we have remove every tiny blood clot in both the yolks and whites or just the big spots.

Please advice accordingly.